
Siege T hunt 4pm - 8pm

From: May 20, 2017 04:00 pm
To: May 20, 2017 08:00 pm
What you need to know :

The Royal Cartographer will be leading a massive four-hour long treasure hunt, and will be doing the official digging. Royal maps cannot be traded to commoners, but maps found in chests are yours for the taking!
The king requests that some of the gold is donated to a town of your choosing.
How much – all, nothing, or something in-between, is up to you.
It is extremely likely that all maps will be for places outside of guard zones.
Gates will be made available from the usual places.
Announcements will be made by town criers.
Reminders will be broadcast in general chat approximately 1 hour before the event.
The lowest level map that will be used will be Ingeniously drawn.
The new tamables will spawn when chests are dug up. (dragon wolf, frost drake, frost dragon)
The contents of the chests are a free-for-all to anyone in party.
Taming is open to anyone present – party membership is not required.
Keep in mind that party sizes are limited. However – as new maps are found, you are welcome to take them and branch out on your own digs, with your own party.

When each new dig starts:

The location will be announced in general chat.
A new gate will be provided to/from the EM Hall

When each dig has finished:

The chest will be destroyed.
The gate to/from the EM Hall will be removed.
A temporary gate to a stable will be provided for anyone who needs it.

Note: You may see a purple-robed lunatic madly running around the shard, trying to dig up as many level 7 treasure maps as possible. We make no apologies for anyone who gets eaten as a result of getting too close to this person.

Invited: Everyone

Event Posted By Lord Drakelord
