ArS to return to sonoma

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Re: thats awsome

Post by ArSaints » Tue May 29, 2007 6:18 pm

Firephenix wrote:ArS was the first guild i ever joined when i started playing and i was sad to see it had all but vanished while i was takeing a break from game for RL.. but iam glad to see you coming back to sonoma i know there is also another old ArS in Pas at thee moment too, but if you need any help just let me know, you guys helped me out alot when i first started this game. my icq is 405758890 let me know if i can do anything

welcome back !
your friend: Spider



with much respect,
aka Metal or Kel ;)

Saints Return!

Post by ArSaints » Tue May 29, 2007 6:15 pm

Lady Ariel -
*smooths Slayers hair back* M'Lord can we do it ? PAS and ArS has seen many great times..... but I fear too many years have past..... Beo and Huntress have been recuperating in the Mountians since the Trinsic attacks .. what if thay dont return?"
Slayer- "My dear......... Saints are always Saints.... tride and true they will come wether by ship or hiking A TRUE Saint always returns. This is done! I have MUCH to do . I hope to see our true King soon.


thats awsome

Post by Firephenix » Tue May 29, 2007 5:37 pm

ArS was the first guild i ever joined when i started playing and i was sad to see it had all but vanished while i was takeing a break from game for RL.. but iam glad to see you coming back to sonoma i know there is also another old ArS in Pas at thee moment too, but if you need any help just let me know, you guys helped me out alot when i first started this game. my icq is 405758890 let me know if i can do anything

welcome back !
your friend: Spider


Post by KDSonoma » Tue May 29, 2007 5:22 pm

WELCOME BACK! .... now it all makes sense from last night! *smiles*

Im having some fun (not) with my main computer ... hopefully I will still be ingame tonight around event time, if not Ill post something on the forums somewhere.

Cant wait to see you all again!


ArS to return to sonoma

Post by Kalar » Tue May 29, 2007 8:10 am

***In a small meeting room in a land far away***

“Lord Slayer” Kalar Lightbringer said in a worried tone, “We have been gone for far too long. The land of Sonoma has gone without our aid now for many years.”

“This is true.” the leader of the Armored Saints stated, as much as asked.

“House Lightbringer will contribute all our resources into finding a way back to Sonoma, and we will once again fight in the War against villainy. We have the means to travel back; it is just a matter of fully committing to the cause.” Kalar’s excitement was rising as he went on. “I know not all of our forces are in place, but if we were just to send a few of our original members, I am sure that would make a great difference in the world.”

A smile crossed Slayers face. “You need not preach the cause to me my friend. I am well aware of the situation, and called this meeting to let all know that we would be returning. Lady Ariel has contacted Beowulf, and Huntress, and they will be sending word of their status in a few days time. We are not sure if they will be able to make it as of yet, however, Lady Ariel, you, and I shall leave for Sonoma, and set the ground work for the rest of the Saints.”

Lady Ariel began to chuckle as Kalar nodded, almost lost for words.

“Then I will inform King David, and the Peoples Army of our return at once.” Kalar said with a renewed vigor. “If I may depart now, My Lord?”

Slayer nodded to Kalar, and smiled at his wife Ariel. Kalar bowed to them both, and made for the door. There were many preparations to make, and not a lot of time to make them.

Slayer turned to Ariel once Kalar was gone, and whispered “It is good to see The Armored Saints reforming. I do hope our old allies are well, it has been years since I have heard from King David, and The Peoples Army.”

I am not sure if this was the right place to post this, so feel free to move it to where ever it is supposed to be.

