PAS Spotlight on.... Eleanor Rigby

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Expand view Topic review: PAS Spotlight on.... Eleanor Rigby

Post by Sepuku » Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:20 pm

Great work Wild Flower. Awsome home Eleanor.


Post by wild flower » Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:56 pm

:smt050 Beautiful house for a beautiful person :smt081

Thanks Atta for the look into a wonder person - job well done

Post by Big Bertha » Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:44 pm

Thank-you for a job well done. This is just one of the reasons PAS ROCKS! This is why people join PAS, to become involved with the players and treat each other with the love and respect that they exhibit to one another , just like in real life. Looking forward to more of this line of play.

Post by Eleanor Rigby » Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:46 am

I just want to add my thanks to Atta coming to visit my home. I had a lot of fun doing the interview, and he made it really easy to do:)

I'm really looking forward to reading more of Atta's interviews with other PAS people!!


Post by Atta Kquast » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:34 am

Thanks much. Eleanor is a great host. These will hopefully be my little selfish endevors into PAS members lives (if they let me) :shock:

Post by Ciara » Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:22 pm

It was a true delight to get on the boards tonight and read this wonderful story about a terrific person , and friend, Eleanor Rigby. Thank you so much for writing this, Atta. It's a joy to have such awesome people in PAS and our alliance, including both you and Eleanor!


Post by KDSonoma » Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:36 pm

WOW thats amazing Atta! I'm impressed with the time and effort you took, and how you covered so many things about Eleanor.

As for Eleanor, that guild name is the best name Ive EVER heard! Its so nice to see a little glimpse into who Eleanor is ingame .... she truly is awesome.

Thanks again Atta!


PAS Spotlight on.... Eleanor Rigby

Post by Atta Kquast » Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:20 pm

PAS Spotlights are meant to shed more light on PAS members and get to know a bit more about them. It is a peek into the character that we know in PAS. I hope to contact as many PAS members as I can, time allowed.

To start off the series of spotlights, today I met with Eleanor Rigby, PAS Elder. Eleanor is a person who gives so much to PAS and to Sonoma by managing the PAS Vendor House, helping at the PAC Crafter House, running at PAS Auctions, and even finding time to help at shard-wide player events. The most important thing for Eleanor is being a part of PAS, and all the friends she has in the guild.

    Image Image
Eleanor is a country girl, who lives in the Trammel country-side, located between Britain, Skara Brae and Yew, near the fabled "Crossroads". Her Keep, the "Abbey Road", is in immaculate condition and great example of the classic-style housing of old.

    AK: Thanks for having me over today. Your place is incredible!

    ER: I've enjoyed collecting pieces from far and wide.

    AK: I really love where your keep is located. Have you lived here long?

    ER: About a year. I purchased the house through a friend. I love living here, but it can be a busy location and a little dangerous because of the brigands who live close by.

    AK: Brigands are evil.

    ER: Aye, they are always trying to break in here.

    AK: Really you would think our king would rid us of brigands. I suppose living out here in the country you get all kinds.

    ER: It would be nice, but there are so many evils in the land right now.

    AK: Aye, to say the least. What is your opinion on the happenings in Magincia?

    ER: I hear Magincia has been decimated. It is sad to see. I was more upset when Yew had its troubles though. I have a fondness for Yew, I lived there many years. I had a small shop and rune library close to the Moongate in Yew for many years.

    AK: Is the shop still standing?

    ER: No, unfortunately. But that was in another land and time.

I could tell that Eleanor's love for Yew runs deep. Just then, Eleanor recognized a brigand approaching her doorstep. She referred to him as Clark, but was not moved to go address him at the door. He must be a common nuisance to Abbey Road.
    AK: I wanted to ask a bit about your history and family. Where are you from originally?

    ER: Originally I lived in a place called Napa Valley. I was born and raised around the Minoc area where I learned to be a craftswoman. My father was a great smith and taught me much.

    AK: Aye do tell.

    ER: Yes, he was killed though when Minoc was invaded. I almost died myself.

    AK: My apologies.

    ER: Aye, but I have great memories of him

    AK: Family is very important. Speaking of which...

    ER: It is, but I have a new family now here in these lands.

    AK: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

    ER: I have a sister Meredyth. I don't see her much as she is at sea alot. And an Auntie, who hmmmm how can I put this...well Auntie Madge is a bit of a character. She is quite well off, but likes to live a beggars life. *shrugs*

    AK: *laughs*

    ER: She can be very kind though.

    AK: Well you know, folks have hobbies!

    ER: Aye they do.

    AK: What crafts are you doing these days?

    ER: I've been doing a lot of sewing these days. I used to make wonderful metal armor, but alas there is hardly any call for it now.

    AK: I hear tailors can be quite profitable these days, much demand for wares.

    ER: There certainly is, the shop owners in town have much work for me.

    AK: Alas poor blacksmiths suffer so.

    ER: Aye, it was and is still my favorite craft. Nothing so wonderful as working with metal!
Eleanor shared refreshments of fresh baked cookies and a wine labeled "Melisande's Fermented Wine" from her storage. Wow, that sure did pack a punch! The wine was strong and burned going down. Eleanor admitted that the wine may have sat too long. She eyed the window near the door.
    ER: Clark and his gang of thieves are out there still.
I could tell she was not worried about them getting into her house, so we relaxed.
    AK: So tell me, do you have any hobbies that you cherish these days?

    ER: I have become a bit of a collector in my old age. Aye, some old things that I find in antique shops, some that I treasure from friends long gone. Very simple things, really.

    AK: Oh that can be a very dangerous your gold coins!

    ER: Oh yes, absolutely. But then I work hard, to make more. *laughs*

    AK: I really enjoy other folk's collections. Everyone really has a quirky likeness for things sometimes.

    ER: Would you like to look around and I'll show you some things?

    AK: Yes absolutely!
We walked up the main stairs to the second level.

    ER: This is the eating area and kitchen outside. I have a few things here like the sash and valentine which I treasure.
Eleanor pointed to her granite table where laid a Royal sash and a special valentine from her friend Gypsy Keja Mimi.
We then moved over to the aquarium, where I saw many rare and odd creatures roaming around the large well-kept tank. I was amused to see an array of not-so-lively fish stored neatly away near the tank.
    ER: In the box are a few unfortunate creatures that didn't live in my tank...pretty colours though!

    AK: *laughs* So you like aquariums?

    ER: I do, they have quite a few rewards. And people seem fond of some of the rewards.
We made our way around the corner. Eleanor showed me where her sister, Meredyth, keeps her treasures from fishing the seas. You can tell that Eleanor tolerates Meredyth's interesting use if fishing nets. We proceeded downstairs to the bedroom where she kept a few more important collections.
    ER: This is Meredyth's collection of nets...quite gaudy I think. But she likes them.

    AK: *laughs*

    ER: Come on downstairs.

    AK: Very lovely!

    ER: In the boxes are globes, another of my favorite collections.

    AK: Wow alot of snowglobes!

    ER: Aye, Queen Mum was kind enough to help me with those. The box on the floor is old jewelry. Just bits and pieces I've collected. Yes, I used to make jewelry too. Folks used to come to buy it from me, but now they like all the new jewelry. Tinkers used to be able to make it. Shadow emerald necklaces, that sort of thing. Oh, I should make you some before you leave. Let's go back up.
She also showed me the volumes of bulk order deeds, armor and weapons in hand-crafted chests. She noted that obtaining powder of fortification for PAS is a major cause to support PAS battle efforts.
    ER: These are my bod collections for smithing. I make them for the guild, and sort them here. Powder of fortification is very handy.

    AK: *nods* Very nice.

    Ruby the Parrot: Very nice.

    AK: ack!

    ER: oh....Ruby is so noisy.

    AK: Well met Ruby!

    Ruby: Well met Ruby!

    ER: Here, see all the eggs she lays?

    AK: *laughs*

    ER: I have baby parrots all the time.

    AK: Oh my!

    ER: Aye, I think I have to stop her somehow!
We them stepped down to a back room.
    ER: My smith's shop.

    AK: Ah I found your secret place!

    ER: You certainly did! I was lucky enough to be rewarded with some anvils. These three. It's small but a very useful space, and warm in the winter.
We wandered over the the other side of the keep where Eleanor does her tailoring. There she showed me an precious bonnet from a very close friend that has since moved on.
    ER: A small treasure here is the bonnet made by Aniki who left these lands *sighs*. I miss her.
We climbed back up, and then moved onto the center roof area.
    AK: Oh a lovely garden!

    ER: My favorite part of the house. And very peaceful. I do love roses as you can see. Oh, I see some apples. They are very nice this year.

    AK: Thank you.

    AK: Wow that is a mighty anchor!

    ER: Aye, Meredyth brought that home as well. She said it was very tough to get something about a Leviathan?

    AK: I have heard rumors of those.

    ER: She loves the sea, but comes home looking quite grey sometimes.
    AK: I wanted to lastly ask about PAS. How long have you been in PAS?

    ER: Ah, yes my new family. Well, I discovered PAS a few years ago. PAS is such a great guild and I have so many friends here now. I was very very happy to come back.

    AK: We are a merry bunch!

    ER: Aye, very much so.

    AK: What is your earliest memory of PAS?

    ER: Meeting Ciara, King David and Wildflower, and helping with a Spring Faire that was held in Luna. And then everyone being so helpful, when I came back, I had a home within 10 minutes of being here. *laughs*

    AK: What do you think makes PAS so special?

    ER: That we all feel like equals and that KD is so involved with us as a friend and mentor. And we have such great fun! *smiles*

    AK: Final question! What item do you cherish most? I know that it can be hard to find one thing *laughs*

    ER: Aye *laughs* One is very hard, but I'd have to say my old guildstone deed from years ago. "All Yew Need Merchants". It was the name of my shop and was in the family before I got it.

    AK: Does the guild still gather?

    ER: Well, it was a very small guild. Just myself and sister actually. Aniki was the original owner, and she passed it to me when she left.

    AK: Eleanor thanks so much for letting me into a slice of your life here.

