ArS officially joined the Alliance

ArS officially joined the Alliance

Postby Kalar » Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:57 am

Send them in King David said, his guests arriving slightly early, as always.

Slayer, Ariel, and Kalar walked into his private chamber, and took a seat as instucted to do.

"Greetings King David", Slayer went on. "It has been a long time since we have met with you privately. We were worried something might be wrong."

"Oh, nothing like that old friend" King David said laughing. "You had an interest in joining the Alliance once again, and as I said, we had to put you up to a vote"... His last words hung for what seemed to be minutes... "And they all voted in favor of having you join. You are a welcome addition to our family here, and we wish you the greatest sucess."

"Thank you King David." Slayer went on. "It is a great honor to call ourselfs allies of The Peoples Army once again." Slayer stood and took a deep bow, Ariel, and Kalar following his lead.

"We understand that a Bedlam event has been planed for this evening" Ariel chimed in. "All Amored Saints members that are on shall attend the event this evening. We wish to show the alliance that we are at their call, and will aid them in anything they do. Kalar will see to it that at least one member is at the event. With many of our members still returning, we find it difficult to feild larger teams. That of course, will all change in the coming weeks."

"Zendor has been attending nearly every event that he could for the past couple weeks" Kalar informed them all. "I will see to it that he is there tonight at the very least, and he will continue to attend events as often as possible."

"Well then, Armored Saints of Sonoma. We officially welcome you to our Alliance, we know you will serve the People, and bring great honor not only to yourselfs, but to the alliance as well." King David smiled, and shook Slayers hand.


Today ArS accepted the Alliance Invite. It took us an extra 2 days because Slayer, and Ariel were camping in RL. We want to thank all of those in the alliance, and to let you know that we WILL be an active guild within the alliance. We were once one of the big players in the old alliance, and we hope to bring back a lot of the stuff we did in the past. ArS has always been active in anti-PK, and as we relearn the game, we have noticed that we want to get back into that sort of thing. ArS will help make the land safe once again for all who decide to walk it.

Thank you once again.

-The Armored Saints of Sonoma (ArS)

p.s. Our Website can be found at
Our forums can be found at
They are both under construction, but are in their nearly final state.
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue May 29, 2007 7:24 am

Postby Trent » Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:37 am

That is good.

I have had many an honorable interaction and am glad to encounter ArS on the road of life.

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