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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:49 pm
by Warden
I've been in Grammar Nazis Anonymous for several years now, and alas I'm not cured--but it is helping. I no longer lambast the masses for the artless cacography ubiquitous on today's internet, nor do I even resent them anymore. But I can't help but to enjoy it when I see somebody else as anal-retentive about their contractions as I am.Image

By the way, all my grammar comments are intended to be lighthearted, and I'm primarily poking fun at myself for being OCD.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:12 pm
by Tracy
I'm a grammar Nazi myself. I used to instinctually hit reply and cite erroneous apostrophes and misuse of possessives ("your" versus "you're"). Apparently that pisses people off, so I had to learn to curb that habit. Who knew? And here I thought I was just being helpful.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:47 pm
by KDSonoma
*in Popeye voice*

I dare's ya's both's to find's as many of them's error's or gramma's problem's wit' me' use of thu' King's en'glish's.

Popeye ... errr KD

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:50 pm
by Warden
You have to be quite educated to write a sentence that bad, KD. :P

Yeah, I don't really understand people, Malachai. You try to be helpful and they just get irritated. I've had to curb those correctional habits too, though I admit that sometimes I do it to purposefully irritate people. Only people I like, though. :lol: And some transgressions I find it particularly hard to pass up, like when people sit at the bank and say, "tangle for sell". Have you noticed how many people misuse "sell" like that? I often find myself going up to them and saying something like, "Do you mean you have a tangle for SALE? You might be able to SELL it if you offered it for SALE." Worst part is that 98% of them don't even get what I am talking about.

I'm also a champion thread derailer... :oops: