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PAS Elder list from 9/2006

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:04 pm
by KDSonoma
I thought this would be fun to post (found this while searching something else on my computer just now):

Riva Ce nedra
Darth Dean
Nseine Boodas
Chiquita banana
Crazy Horse
Von Tarron
Ham Mystique
Miles nicholas
Mrs Howell
Richard Cypher

a blast from the past!


PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:49 pm
by Ciara
You missed me! :fishey:


PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:34 pm
by KDSonoma
yeah I thought we had a number of others on that list, but it was labeled "PAS Elders List serenity korlich title change", dated 9/16/2006.


I'm not sure why there weren't more folks on that list (since we definitely had more Elders in 2006).

I'll look for other documents to see if I can find anything else that might help explain it.

It was still good to see many of the real old elders on that partial list of elders.


PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:39 am
by wild flower
Wow you are right a real blast from the past. Seeing those names brought back a bunch of memories. Another that might be missed is Booger. Did he ever make Elder?

(by the way Haplo and Pyson are the same person - my hubby. Also known as Richard Cypher)

Thanks KD


PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:51 pm
by KDSonoma
As for Booger, yes, if you look on the other thread with the list for PAS, his title was Elder Guild Miner. So that should mean he made it to Elder.


PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:29 am
by wild flower
Yeah I seen that after I posted here. Makes sense too since I wrangled him and Haplo into playing as soon as I got hooked. I played long before they started in another guild but once I found PAS I never left. I may have taken a few breaks from game but never left PAS. It's my home and where my family is. :)


PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:14 am
by KDSonoma
same here, WF! PAS forever.



PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:48 pm
by Tevvin
Wow, wonder where they all wandered off to?



PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:43 pm
by KDSonoma


Hows Rl treating you? And hows Rl treating Shadows?


PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:09 am
by Tevvin
Going great here, and Shadows is doing well also. Glad to see PAS is still going strong too.


PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:37 am
by KDSonoma
we sure do miss you guys. Hopefully RL continues to treat you well.

If not, just let us know and we will come and kick RL in the butt till it DOES treat you right!

Always great to hear from you, my friend!


PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:29 am
by Julion
I don't see any royal guards there,
separate list?


PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:40 am
by KDSonoma
good point, may very well be a separate list somewhere.



PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:09 am
by Brianna
so many names on that list that i think about daily...simkin is somewhere in nevada, runespot married sara caroline and they are living in ohio i of their sons ronnie just graduated high school this year and i can remember doing chick on a stick when he was just s kiddo and now he is in college, that wildflower, haplo, and booger are all crazy just like me and i wouldnt change that for the world, shino...well you know shino he married me need we say more?, merlin is the daddy to a beautiful baby girl, i miss tevvin and shadows and red and so many others listed and not listed