PAS Spotlight on.... Damien Kilcannon

PAS Spotlight on.... Damien Kilcannon

Postby Atta Kquast » Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:10 pm

PAS Spotlights are meant to shed more light on PAS members and get to know a bit more about them. It is a peek into the character that we know in PAS. I hope to contact as many PAS members as I can, time allowed.

Today I met with Damien Kilcannon. Damien is a PAS Elder and valiant swordsman, while being a very generous person to his mates and fellow Sonomans.
Damien lives in a remote location near the Trammel Compassion Shrine with his wife Crystal, in their new home. I caught him as he was disposing of a pest at his steps. Damien escorted me inside and we talked along the way.
    You see: Damien Kilcannon

    You see: a giant scorpion corpse

    DK: Vile things. Abominations of nature.

    AK: *laughs* Thanks for having me over today.

    DK: My pleasure, my friend!

    AK: My best to your wife Crystal. Is she here today?

    DK: Thank you. She is sorry she could not be here this morning. But she had pressing business at the front. In Magincia of course.

    AK: Aye... what do you think of the happenings in Magincia?

    DK: I am saddened. Truly saddened to see that once great city brought so low. It is nothing but ruins now!

    AK: Aye... truly. I think off all PAS fun and training we have had there over the years.

    DK: Aye. 'Tis sad. I saw people actually hauling off rubble laughing. Sickened me, it did.
    AK: Well on to fun topics... lets start with you. Tell me about you and your work. Are you a warrior, merchant, crafter?

    DK: Ahh...Well there is much to tell...I am a warrior first and foremost. I thrill in the heat of battle! Nothing pleases me more than the pleasure of a good fight and knowing that I fight on the side of righteousness!

    AK: Of late, what battles did you find most pleasing?

    DK: I have truly enjoyed fighting the demons in Magincia, but my nemesis is Miasma. I have a deep and abiding hatred of that creature.

    AK: Aye? Truly a mosterous beast!

    DK: Yes she is...Her and I have fought many a battle! She is a fearsome foe.
I could tell Damien's blood was rushing and beginning to boil talking about the legendary scorpion queen Miasma, so I felt the need to quickly change the subject.
    AK: How long have you and Crystal been wed?

    DK: Ahh..let me see now...If I answer this incorrectly and she hears of it then it won't be for much longer. *laughs*

    AK: *snickers*

    DK: We have been wed going on three years now! And three years of wonderful wedded bliss it has been!

    AK: Where did you two meet?

    DK: Ahhh now that is a story all it's own. We met when I had been defeated by the evil Miasma and I had gone in search of a healer. She happened by and nursed me back to health!

    AK: That is a special woman indeed!

    DK: Aye that she is...and she has been by my side fighting with me where ever I go! She does not shy from any battle. Truly a warrior after my own heart!

    AK: Do you have any brothers or sisters to speak of?

    DK: Alas, I do not know for certain. I was adopted when I was found wandering as a child in the forest outside of Skara Brae. I look back fondly on my childhood. Those were wonderful years. I was taken in by the blacksmith and his wife.

    AK: Are they still with us?

    DK: Alas no, my adopted mother was killed in a horrible fire and Gerald never was the same. He died two years ago. I miss them dearly.

    AK: Oh my sympathies to you.

    DK: I know they are in a better place. I do not mourn them, but rejoice that I was able to love and be loved by them. I have only recently learned that my blood father was a great Elven warrior from the city of Heartwood. I have only recently been to Heartwood and that is when I discovered I shall never meet my father. My real father that is...Gerald is my true father in all ways that count.
With the sparse decorations and moving crates, a one-eyed hairless mongbat could tell that the Kilcannon's were on the move. Also, I had heard a little rumor regarding Damien and Crystal.
    AK: You were telling me earlier, this keep is a new acquisition?

    DK: Aye, I just purchased this Keep yesterday as a matter of fact! That is why you must excuse the mess. I am still moving in. My servants are quite lazy. *laughs*

    AK: Where did you hail from before?

    DK: My last home was outside of the North gates of the great city, Luna! I shall be looking to find a new owner for that home. So if you know of anyone please tell them for me.

    AK: Aye, a remarkable merchant town indeed. Rumor has it, you and Crystal are expecting? True?

    DK: *laughs* I have heard that rumor myself!

    AK: She has not appeared at guild events of late, I believe that must be where it stemming from.

    DK: Unfortunately no, it is not true.

    AK: *laughs* I will help to dispel the rumor as well.

    DK: She has had many things occupying her time. Although you shall be the first to know in the event of that joyous occasion ever occuring!

    AK: *laughs* well maybe the third! Tell me what you have in store for this great property?

    DK: Please, I have been rude. Would you like to come upstairs and have a seat?

    AK: The cactus outside is truly a remarkable specimen.

    DK: Ahhh...You have asked the question I have been waiting for. Yes it is. If only I could keep those evil giant scorpions out of it. Then it might truly thrive! Come with me and I will give you the two gold piece tour!

    AK: *laughs*
As we began to move swiftly up to the second-level to explore a bit more of Kilcannon Keep, Damien pointed to the main floor stating it shall serve as kitchen and servants quarters. We then sat at a small wooden table in a main room. He decribed how this room would serve as the main gathering area for friends and family. We then navigated through a corridor and down a staircase. There Damien showed me where his weapons would lay, battle-ready.
Damien took me back up the stairs and through another hallway. Here he showed me a healer's dream of enhancing machines. Then we wandered to a final ladder where we came to a rooftop to examine the remaining keep spaces.
    DK: This shall be my pride and joy. I shall make this the finest garden in all the land! Once I get my lazy servants to haul the soil I shall need up here that is!

    AK: *laughs* Truly a great space. Tell me about this tree!

    DK: Aye, 'tis a beautiful tree. Was gifted to me by a wonderful person named Aurora. She saved it from the ruins of Magincia just last week.

    DK: Well from here you can see where I shall set up the finest crafters in all the land with their own work areas! Over there will be a space for a tailor. Complete with loom and spinning wheel made by a fine carpenter. That tower shall be where a my fletcher shall make the finest bows this land has ever seen! This is where I shall set up a smithy! And a tinker will work from there as well, provided they do not argue over much!

    AK: You have great possiblities here!

    DK: Aye. It will be a great undertaking, but one I look forward to. And I guess that concludes our tour...oh no...I forgot one or two more rooms.
"Come...down here", Damien exclaimed. I followed Damien's voice into an armor storage area in the rear of the keep. Then we arrived to the final room in the keep.
    DK: This room shall probably be the most used in the entire keep. This will be my treasure hunter friend's room.

    AK: I sense private hideaway here!

    DK: He likes it simple. Lucas Wolfe does like his privacy. He requested this room and I could not refuse him. He has been seen from time-to-time. He is a member of the Treasure Hunters of Britannia (THB). It is his passion. I keep begging him to take me when he does the most dangerous maps but he insists he needs no help.

    AK: He is a gifted cartographer indeed, has Lucas accompanied PAS on adventures before?

    DK: Aye, he has come to many a PAS event to lend his shovel! He is never more happy than when covered to the knees in soil and picking a freshly dug up chest..
We discussed a bit more of old times. I asked about the time when Damien had a bird aviary in his old home dedicated to PAS.
    Damien Kilcannon: Yes, it took up my entre third floor of my home. I had one parrot for every PAS elder and member...or I had tried to. But alas, getting the servants to clean the mess they made in a timely manner was too much of a hassle.

    Atta K'quast: Not to mention the squawking!

    Damien Kilcannon: Aye, that is was. I am thinking of a new way to honor my fellow members. I will let you know when I come up with something!
Finally, we discussed PAS and its importance to him.
    AK: Let me ask, how long have you been in PAS?

    DK: Ahhh...I have had the honor to serve the King for a little over two years now! I am honored to be a PAS elder and to hold the trust of the King.

    AK: Time moves swiftly! What are your earliest memories of PAS?

    DK: *sighs* I remember so many things. At the time I joined, there was some upheaval in the guild and many good people felt it was time to move on. It was a sad time but they soon got better.

    AK: Aye.. sadly I do recall the events as well.

    DK: I think my fondest early memory of PAS, was going to the dreaded Doom Gauntlet! Ack! I remember I was so inexperienced then. But an absolutely wonderful person took me under her wing and made sure I was watched over. That wonderful woman was Ciara.

    AK: She is a PAS treasure indeed.

    DK: Aye, none better in my opinion!

    AK: I know you were awarded the Seth Medal of Comassion. In fact, you too are a most generous PAS mate.

    DK: I was honored to be awarded that medal! Yes, it was a great day for me.

    AK: Tell me about your current endevours.

    DK: Well, I am currently trying to gather momentos from the current invasion of Magincia to make sure that those who were not able to be there to defend may have something to remember that great city and the horror that has befallen it. I have gathered many items and am in the process of sorting it out to make sure that everyone who wants someting gets it.

    Atta K'quast: What does PAS mean to you?

    Damien Kilcannon: PAS means family and friends. PAS means never being alone when I need a friend. PAS means always fighting on the side of right and defending the weak. PAS means always doing the honorable thing. To always strive to improve myself and those around me!
    AK: Last question....this is usually a hard one. What one item do you cherish most here?

    DK: HAHA!! That is not a hard one at all. I cherish this sword which was won by my wife and gifted to me.

    AK: The mighty Soul Seeker!

    DK: She gave it to me and charged me to always use it to defend the weak and uphold the righteous!

    AK: A noble blade for a noble knight.

    DK: Aye, without this great sword I would truly be nothing...

    AK: Thanks for meeting with me today!

    DK: My pleasure.
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Postby Eleanor Rigby » Thu Nov 29, 2007 8:51 pm

Congratulations on your new home Damien and Crystal! :)

Thanks Atta for bringing to life our PAS characters, I enjoyed reading this and seeing the pictures.

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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:16 am

thanks guys for another fun report to read thru. Excellent job Atta!

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