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Results of PAS Auction July 11, 2008

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:32 pm
by KDSonoma
Winning bid ... item # and description

no bid ___ 1. Two (2) banner deeds
1,400,000 ___ 2. Five (5) Heritage tokens
375,000 ___ 3. Clothing bless deed
1,600,000 ___ 4. Dryad bow (resist+5, SSI 50, DI 35, poison resist 15)
2,750,000 ___ 5. Midnight bracers
1,100,000 ___ 6. Shadow Dancer Leggings
3,000,000 ___ 7. Complete darkwood set (6 pieces)
300,000 ___ 8. Spell woven britches
600,000 ___ 9. Essence of battle
3,000,000 ___ 10. Rune Beetle Carapace
1,000,000 ___ 11. Bracelet of health
1,000,000 ___ 12. Taskmaster
105,000 ___ 13. Two (2) powder of fortification w/ 10 charges each
1,000,000 ___ 14. Pendant of the Magi
3,000,000 ___ 15. Totem of the Void
610,000 ___ 16. Ornate Crown of Harrower
70,000 ___ 17. Brightsight lenses
800,000 ___ 18. Two (2) soulstone fragment tokens
600,000 ___ 19. Fur
1,500,000 ___ 20. "Green robe" crafted by Sew What (but grey color)
7,200,000 ___ 21. Advanced character token
200,000 ___ 22. Deed for 10,000 arrows
450,000 ___ 23. Deed for 10,000 barbed leather
2,000,000 ___ 24. Ethereal horse statuette

Thanks to Chalnoth for helping during the auction, thanks to Axe and Ash and Tarie for volunteering as well.

It went very smoothly and raised 27 million for PAS tonight (I donated most of the items). Thanks also to Mrs. Reddogg, who went nuts while Mr. Reddogg was away for the weekend and spent the farm on items tonight!


PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:59 am
by Lord Drakelord
no bid ___ 1. Two (2) banner deeds

wow I am in shock, no one bid on them at all? Oh well I put them up till the next auction.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:18 pm
by wild flower
Way to go PAS!!