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Bertha will not be playing for a few weeks yet ...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:50 pm
by KDSonoma
she just called me to let me know that AT&T bought out SW Bell in her area and shes having a big fight with them on upgrading etc her DSL connection.

She wanted me to let others know she felt bad about not being around but she was working on it.

She was going to visit her brother in Michigan next week and then will be back around July 24 and hopefully will be able to get online.

I asked her if she needed any help in UO while she was not online and she said she was fine there.

So cross your fingers folks and lets hope they get that fixed asap.


Big Bertha not playing

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:02 pm
by Big Bertha
:D :D :D AT &TWill not accept payment while computer was down. Nice Credit there. Up and running again. Will be on tonight, maybe on till Wednesday or I get sleepy. I have missed you all so much. Happy to be home again. BTW KD all our rain is in Michigan. :P :P :P :roll: :D :D :D