Some kudos from the other night

Some kudos from the other night

Postby KDSonoma » Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:01 am

from the twisted wield CS event:

kudos to dazdan for rocking the house with dischords of all those paragons (WAY TO GO!). 120 dischord 4tw. We couldnt have won that without those bigtime dischords.

kudos to Mystique andher dragon, she was AWESOME at helping us kill those paragon satyrs and cu sidhes etc. EXCELLENT timing on attacks, and just a great job of killing stuff fast (which was the key to our bumping that spawn along).

kudos to Thoth and his dragon. AWESOME double teaming of those big targets ... it seemed whenever I jumped on something with my cu sidhe, his dragon was jumping the moment after my dog did to help out. EXCELLENT teamwork and timing!

kudos to EVERYONE for killing the CHAMP so fast! That was extremely impressive. My dog got smacked early and as I ressed, I said "OK guys hes at 56% life, we can do this", and then daz or someone said "hes almost dead" ROFL. Way to go to everyone for jumping the champ and getting him dropped so fast.

kudos to absolutely everyone for killing the Dreaded Golden Bear of Gooberdom! that damn enraged paragon grizzly was running around slapping everyone and every time we ran him out north to the desert he came wandering back in and chased the tamers like crazy. that was awesome to see us take him down after the champ, just to send a message to any other Dreaded Golden Bears of Gooberdom wanna-bes! PAS ROCKS SONOMA!


and I know I'm leaving a ton of names off this kudos list, but I wanted to single out some folks that I noticed doing special things during that event. Everyone did great, healing, ressing, dischording, keeping our heads and not panicking etc. Ok so we panicked a little when that fricken golden bear was causing destruction and mayhem hehe.

THANK YOU to everyone that was there to help out and organize things. Chalnoth and Jo and others that were helping coordinate things were awesome and it was a lot of fun. Sorry I got there late for the event, but I think I can honestly say everyone had a blast in getting that CS completed.


King of Sonoma
King of Sonoma
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