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Who was working mining?

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:30 am
by KDSonoma
and how far from gm are they?


PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 3:35 pm
by dlwiii
I was back in April, GM now.


PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:33 pm
by KDSonoma


PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:17 pm
by Maldar
Congratulations! That's not a fun one to work up to GM.

PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:17 am
by dlwiii
It was a blast! I had a fire beetle, which made it go very smoothly. Basically I just kept running around the mining area at Minoc, in the caves, and around the mountain. Compared to fishing, it was not bad at all.

PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:20 pm
by Maldar
I forgot about the Fire Beetles. I remember, around a decade or so ago, not being able to even afford a pack horse (and those days were WAY ahead of the introduction of the Fire Beetle.) So my poor miner would load up, run to a forge and run back to mining. I Tried to stay close to the Minoc forge and the forge by the mountains southwest of West Brit. Ah, those were the days.