Newsletter 49

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Newsletter 49

Postby Lord Drakelord » Fri May 29, 2020 5:00 pm

Greetings Everyone,

We hope everyone is remaining safe and healthy. Britannia is bustling these past weeks and we continue to welcome returning and new players alike! The team is working hard to wrap up the upcoming publish. Earlier this year we talked about our plans for the future of Ultima Online and how we wanted to expand to the largest audience yet. In order to accomplish that vision we've spent the entirety of Publish 109 preparing updates for our popular seasonal content as well as rethinking how events are implemented within the game world.

Our seasonal content is among the most popular within Ultima Online and we are excited to bring updates to the following content in Publish 109 which includes,
23rd Anniversary Rewards!
New Jack-o-Lantern Designs to collect from Graveyard Butchers and Grimms!
New Trophies in the Huntmaster's Challenge!
New sets of Vice & Virtue Themed Rewards in the Artisan Festival!
When it comes to rethinking how events are implemented you've heard us talk a lot about EM tool updates. Some of you have already hopped on TC1 to check out these new tools which include,
Completely refactored mob generation to allow greater customization of monsters for more exciting PvM fights!
Custom Champ Spawns to allow on the fly spawns with more dynamic monster combinations and custom bosses!
Dynamic Quest System with new support tools like revamped quest NPCs and new narrative items like Lore Books & Quest Items to immerse yourself deeper into the story!
With the introduction of these tools we will be playing with them on TC1 in the near future to iron out any issues and determine the best way to use them for events. For those that participate on TC1 to help test these new tools I will be recognizing those efforts with something at your shard's reward hall! Thank you so much to those who have already come to TC1 with your EMs and given feedback!

With these features nearing completion it will allow us to finalize our design process for what's coming in Publish 110. We know you are anxious to find out what our vision holds for the future of Ultima Online and we are anxious to share it with you in the coming months!

At our recent Oceania Meet & Greet a player asked where to find out about Developers Meet and Greet and other event times and dates. You can always check out the the Event Calendar that can be found on UO.Com for all the latest in-game happenings in UO. Also, with so many returning and new players to the game there have been many questions on the best way to make your way through Britannia. You can always consult the UO Wiki and talk with other players on the UO Forum for advice. If you would like to contribute future information & FAQs to the wiki feel free to contact the wiki editor.

We've gotten some feedback on Event Moderator events recently and I would like to address those. We've heard concerns regarding the new teleporters the EMs are using that randomly divided players which meant you were not able to fight with your friends/guild. To address this we've made a change in the upcoming publish that will make sure party members will go to the same location. There have been several reports that the Boss Mobs from the EM events have been disappearing after a small amount of damage was done to them. Please do not blame the EM. We have looked into a reason and are still trying to figure out why this is happening so we can prevent it from happening in the future. Hopefully with the new tools this behavior with the bosses will stop. Please be patient until we can solve this mystery. When we have it resolved we will let you know.

We would like to invite you to our Dev Meet and Greets for the months of June,

Monday June 1st Catskills @ 7 pm ET
Monday June 15th Legends @ 7 pm ET

The following are actions taken on accounts that were banned or suspended during the month of May:

59 - Macroing
7 - Solicitation
28 - Multiboxing
1 - Naming Violation
19 - Third party program

See you in Britannia,
Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong
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Lord Drakelord
Master of the Blades
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