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Moongate for the Brit Banking area of Sonoma

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:57 pm
by Lord Drakelord
Moongate for the Brit Banking area of Sonoma

Below is part of the chat they had on LA for the last meet and greet.

Michael Clevenger <>
12:55 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Bonnie, Mesanna, EM

Mylene: second, my constituents were bugging me for not mentioning it before - our brit bank design was one of the earliest though took
Mylene: long to implement. Other shards got moongates we didn't realize were an option. can we get one, even if behind the
Mylene: guard shack nearby

Mesanna: ok stop
Mesanna: if you want to complain then find Draconi he is the one started that contest
Mesanna: just because he dropped the ball and I had to pick it up
Mesanna: if the design did not include a moongate it did not get one
Mesanna: we got to the designs as fast as possible
Mesanna: so basically you want a moongate
Mesanna: ?
Mesanna: right?

Mylene: Yes. my fellow players want one, and even if I don't really care one way or the other. But they ask me as britain governor.
Mylene: even somewhere like behind the guard building away from bank would be okay

Mesanna: when I have time I will place one

Mylene: thank you. it will make them happy and hopefully increase traffic there

Mesanna: have a good evening

I was told no before but I am asking once more for Sonoma,

Where the part about the moongate?? When I submitted the banking area on Sonoma I was under the impression that we were not allow such goodies, then I took a break from the game, during my time away others ask about a moongate at the Bank and were ALL told that "that the original designer would have to request it" .

So when I returned I was told of this and then I ask, requested, begged for it several times and was turned down every time. Now if Great Lakes (Ooops Lake Austin) gets a gate at the bank I will try once more for Sonoma, citing this meeting.

oops I meant Lake Austin. So once more I am asking for a gate for the Brit Banking area, I leave it to you where to place, on the roof, near the moat, over at the Common area, behind the bank etc.

Re: Moongate for the Brit Banking area of Sonoma

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 3:35 pm
by Ciara
I hope you are successful, Drakelord.

Re: Moongate for the Brit Banking area of Sonoma

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:22 am
by Cinderella
shards that don't have a moongate in Britain

Lake Austin
Napa Valley

Re: Moongate for the Brit Banking area of Sonoma

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:05 pm
by xare
Is it me, or does Mesanna sound bitter there?

Re: Moongate for the Brit Banking area of Sonoma

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:18 am
by KDSonoma
Yep, very "pissy'.


Re: Moongate for the Brit Banking area of Sonoma

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:20 pm
by Cinderella
she gets a lil ticked off cause people keep asking... for the shards that doesn't have them.
I don't think she actually knows that there are only 6 shards that don't have them (i'm not including Siege or Mugen in this, not sure if they do or not)
cause she does have to physically go to each shard to place them

Re: Moongate for the Brit Banking area of Sonoma

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:07 pm
by xare
The only reason she has to personally do it is because she refuses to let others have the ability to. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just saying it is.