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A CALL TO ARMS!! *Shadow Dweller II - EM RP event - Sun 2/28

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:24 pm
by Queen Mum

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:54 pm
by Queen Mum
From Ultima Online Sonoma Community (facebook)

Citizens & the Royal Guard begin gathering in the Royal Guard Meeting Hall (Serps Hold - Tram) and listens to Amonos, the Sgt. at Arms state the current concerns and announces that Queen Zarah has requested assistance in Ter Mur against the Shadow Dweller and its minions!


The group prepares for battle and awaits an entrance gate to the Ter Mur destination.


On the other side of the gate waited fierce and powerful beings who tried to snack their way through the mighty fighters but the solid warriors held their ground and battled each one to the end!!


The group gathered in a newly discovered building to hear word that more information of the mysterious Shadow Dweller would arrive soon. And the mysterious stranger, the Shadow Dweller, had managed to escape just as the jaws of death was upon its being.


Sgt. at Arms Amonos also pointed out that Daniel Ravens appears to have gone missing as well and that all should keep a keen eye out and be prepared for the next call to arms!