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PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:49 pm
by Chalnoth Tholl
I attended an extended meeting last evening with EM Tailspin and several ranking members of the Sonoma fel guilds, primarily Waka. I was quite candid about our past experiences and our expectations for our support and participation in any future fel or dual-facet Events. I including the use of inappropriate language as we do have young members.

There appeared to me to be a genuine desire on the part of the fel players to have more dual facet events and fel based events. Those present agreed that the griefing of the past and inappropriate language would be curtailed and the red guild leadership would police their membership. As an ice-breaker they have agreed to sponsor a Public Harrower Event next Saturday. Additionally EM Tailspin is going to shedule some regular X-facet meetings to facilitate communications and elicite Event ideas from both communities.

I know there are many PAS that do not support the EM Events (with plenty of good reasons). However, I believe that EM Events are good for the game in general and can be very beneficial for PAS specifically as we are able to show up in numbers and demonstrate the Honor Guild ethos we claim as our own. This will attract the players desirable to PAS and the Alliance. To this end I will continue to schedule PAS participation in EM Events and role-play lines that have attracted PAS members. This does not compel anyone's participation, I would only ask that those who choose not to participate in a scheduled calendar event do not subjugate the event.

As to supporting forays into fel, I have agreed to support this effort and promote participation by PAS. If the red guilds remain true to their word, the opportunity for expanded gaming experience is substantial. This does not mean that they are offering free rein in fel, Blues should continue to expect to be raided outside of Events. However, they did express a willingness to teach pvp, and other tactic, to those who want to learn. I will take them at their word, should this work out, the opportunity for new experiences is unlimited. I would ask that PAS, while maintaining an appropriate guard, be receptive at least to the idea and concept of a fel/tram alliance and the potential it presents.

PAS Rocks Sonoma

PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:54 am
by Chalnoth Tholl
Here is a great review for anyone (like myself) who has never done a Harrower. Take a few minutes before next Saturday to check this out.

Go to:

If anyone has advise on what templates to bring or NOT to bring please post here.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:01 pm
by KDSonoma
templates NOT to bring:

King template (its pretty useless actually ..... HEY WAIT A MINUTE!)

OK King template might be good for one thing, being a friggen target for the friggen reds to shoot at :)

King template for anyone wanting to try to make one:

120 Goober
120 Running Away
120 Self Preservation (with shield)
120 Tiger (yeah unfortunately it requires this to round out the template)
120 Magery (to make sure never to fail a recall when the enemy shows)
120 Goober

yeah I know theres 2 x 120 Goober there, but thats what it takes for the template. As for armor and jewelry, make it light or go naked if possible to try to run and recall faster.

Oh and dont forget to yell this macro when reds attack: "Throw yourselves on the enemy, save the King!" *hits recall macro*

That last one is more advice/tactic than a skill :)


PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:10 pm
by Darkstar
lol...poor Tiger

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:23 am
by Chalnoth Tholl
OK, Now Goober attendance is MANDATORY! At least we shall have some comic relief :lol:

On a more serious note: We need at least one or two Legendary Discord Bards. Tamer (w/ Greaters) and Mage pairs. And at least one person maybe 2 to carry resupply items (aids, pots, arrows). I am told this is a good idea since the True harrower can "blow up" your body thereby destroying your non-insured ammo and other supplies. Moral of this story is if you want to keep it insure it or leave it in the bank.

...king template

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:08 pm
by Brianna
i thought you had to have 120 palace chicks....when did you remove them from the template???? i thought they were very important

i shall have to break the bad news to them


PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:18 pm
by KDSonoma
well dont forget that Kings already have that as their innate skill (like elves and humans have their advantages). So that saves roo on the template for the other skills :)

And on a serious note, everyone should bring arrows, bolts, bandages with them, regardless of your template (for others to have when they lose their stuff).


PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:53 pm
by Chalnoth Tholl
OK, I will have arrows, bolts and bandaids for peeps to stock up prior to the event. Will have to check the PAC house to see how the potion stock is.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:54 pm
by KDSonoma
I think hq1 still is fairly well stocked on pots, but Ill try to be sure its updated before Saturday.