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EM RP Session : Elizabeth Morrian (Thurs. Aug. 26th)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:38 pm
by Queen Mum
*Session starts at 7pm PT * 8pm MT * 9pm CT * 10pm ET * 6pm AK * 4pm HI

Message posted by EM Tailspin on the UO Sonoma EM website ...

RP Session : Elizabeth Morrian.
Day/Date : Thursday, August 26th, 7:00pm PST.
Place : The Unicorn’s Horn Tavern, East Britain.

Greetings Lords & Ladies

Elizabeth has been worried about Tobby’s recovery. She will be at The Unicorn’s Horn Tavern by the water in East Britain this Thursday eve to talk with any who wish to drop in.


EM Note : RP sessions are mostly jaw wagging and background story. No adventuring planned for these.

- EM Tailspin