EM event: Moira Steals a Key (Fel event) Thur. 11/11

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EM event: Moira Steals a Key (Fel event) Thur. 11/11

Postby Queen Mum » Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:45 am

Message from EM Eira ...
Any Royal guards who do duty in Felucca and any citizens are encouraged to come out Thursday November 11 to help find the stolen key. Meet at Brit Castle at 6 PT (7 MT, 8 CT, 9 ET)
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Postby Queen Mum » Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:02 pm

Posted on the Sonoma EM Events website ...
Moria Steals a Key (fiction)

Moira could not believe she was going to steal something. She kept glancing back over her shoulder. No one seemed to be following her. Fallen leaves made crinkling sounds as she quickly ran between the trees. She had to do this. It was for Mary. Although she was not exerted, her heart pounded in her chest. She was sure the people in Luna could hear it even though she was at the award hall.

Another look around revealed that she was indeed alone as she entered the museum. The key to the portal was right ahead and in clear view. Mary needed to make a portal for her safety. That was what Mary had told her. Mary had tried to open the portal but had not been successful. When she heard about the key she understood. Now she just needed one little key to complete her spell. Moira hesitated for just a moment then the key was in her pocket and she hastily made her exit. She head for the place where Mary asked her to hide the key.

Years ago when Moria had thought she had lost her sister forever, it completely devastated her. Mary promised to turn her into a vampire if she did this for her. It would be wonderful knowing they would be together forever. But on the way to the hiding place, she hesitated… Mary wasn’t the same. There was no denying that. What if she just took the key and refused once again to turn her? This thought stopped Moria cold in her tracks.

Moria’s path changed. For the first time in her life she wasn’t going to trust her sister. She’d hide the key someplace safe and when Mary turned her, then she’d reveal it’s location. At least that was the plan… She placed the key beside her very worn doll that Mary had made her in a very secret place.

When she gave Mary the ultimatum and told her what she had done and what she wanted, Mary screamed with rage. She focused her ire on a nearby, grazing cow and ripped it to bloody pieces with her bare hands and teeth. When she regained her composure, she turned to Moria ,still covered in blood and said, ‘That could have been you. I don’t have time to turn you and I don’t have time for any games. Where’s the key?’
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Postby Warden » Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:23 pm

Ok, so I started back in UO last June I think after about an 8 year break. I've taken part in several live events and I must say that today I am probably even more confused about them as I was back then. Here are the highlights as best I remember:

1. I helped kill some sort of magic users at Magencia. I don't remember what they were but they cast what I later found out were Rising Colossi. They and their colossi were extremely tough and we all died a lot. There were demons too, it seems like. I liked that event because I looted a spellbook that I sold for 50 mil. Woot!

2. A live event took place near some Meer town where we were fighting a black Bone Demon and his minions. It seems like this one had something to do with Toby?

3. Bane vs. Ophidians in T2A. I helped kill the Ophidians because I wanted a bane dragon, and Ophidians had killed me so often, but the Bane were suspicious and the loot sucked. The Bane eventually "won" and moved out, to camp in Ilshenar and war against the Meer. Unlike the Ophidians, the Meer seemed good and I never fought against them much. I got some crystals for Blackrock Stew and some Compassion Sage, but I did both of those by killing in the Exodus Dungeon, not killing Meer.

4. Several events it seems like where some black Demon Scouts would try to invade Brit or Luna. Seems like some Blackrock Golems got involved here too. Also had to do with Toby?

5. Gathered some resources to build Toby a stronghold South of Brit. At an unrelated Halloween event I saw that the stronghold had been replaced with something else, though I haven't been back to see if that change was permanent.

6. Magencia lit up again, this time with Blackrock Golems. There were also a bunch of Bane and regular red Demons on the Southern part of the island. I had good faction still with the Bane so they left me alone, but the Blackrock Golems were very aggressive, took an hour for a group to kill, and had nothing for loot. I quickly learned there were better uses of my time.

7. Seems like I'm forgetting a more recent one...?

8. Now the Magencia Moongate has been removed and in its place is some sort of sacrificial alter with a Bane Quest Giver standing next to it spouting cryptic hints about upcoming events. More of the rubble--and all the docks--has also been removed from the island.

So how does all this fit together, if it does? Did the Meer in #2 have anything to do with the Meer in #3? Did the Bane in #3 have anything to do with the Bane in #6? and #8? Is the fact that "blackrock" appears in almost all of these significant, or coincidence? What happened to Toby, and which of these was/is he a part? Are all these things fitting into some bigger story arch (I assume the Magencia ones are) or are some just their own thing? Where do Moria/Mary from above fit in?

And most importantly, is there some sort of EM website that has good information about what's going on, preferably with written synopses of past events so I can perhaps see the big picture?
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