EM RP: A search for clues (Sat. Jan. 15th)

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EM RP: A search for clues (Sat. Jan. 15th)

Postby Queen Mum » Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:54 pm

From the Sonoma EM Events website ...
A search for clues ...

The Shade of Moira communicates with you through a dream. She needs help to open the Diary of the Blood Queen. But first she needs to remember where the Queen’s Lair is.

Meet at the Luna Fair Stage at 6 Pt, 7 Mt, 8 CT, 9 ET, Saturday, January 15th!

*note This is an RP event with some minor fighting*

Previous journal entry:
Moira Realizes Significance of dream ...

How easy it was to flit around spying on the Blood Queen. As a shade, her ethereal form looked like shadows cast by candlelight. Sometimes she felt the Blood Queen look at her and frown. The Lamia had ruined everything Moira held close. She was the reason she had been separated from her twin and and she was was penultimately the reason that Robert Morrigan, sweet caring Bob, wandered around heartbroken. Moira knew she had to right this wrong. She had already passed info to the guard and other citizens through dreams. She felt like she would have smiled then, had she been solid. Her dreams had always haunted her and Mary had always soothed her. Now she knew it was a foretelling of this very situation. If she had only played closer attention to the horrific nightmares.

The battle against the enslaved warriors had been brutal. Many Sonomen had been critically wounded but they had fought on. They were a testament to the value and inner strength with in the people. Once the evil warriors finally fell they trod on to relieve the royal steeds of their imprisonment. So much bloodshed and they were still not victorious. How much more would the people need to endure. Moira hoped for less rather than more time.

Something about the horses was picking on the Shade of Moira’s memory, at least what was left of her memory. Animals! Lots of animals all penned up! Some were partially eaten by others. *sigh* The dream. Yes now she could see it. They were snarling and angry. They would hunt her down and start to eat her while she still screamed with pain. Where were these beasts. They had to be dealt with before they were unleashed on the realm. She would run in her dream. Run away from the animals set on devouring her and then end up amongst. She could almost imagine the stench. And then…
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
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