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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:13 pm
by faitalani
I received this info from a fellow PAS member...

Ok just got off the phone with ea today i had a couple emails that i thought sounded strange so i called them they say on the email you can contact them through but the email address wont work they are trying to give a free code for a 5 use forge metal tool that is a scam so that they can hack you or atleast get your account info so the techs told me they even checked the code out and it was a bogus code so if you get a email saying you was double billed and you open it and it says for your inconvenience they are giving you a code for something like that dont enter the code!!!!


PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:33 pm
by Kellan
:o Thank you for letting us know about this.

I had difficulty with the "new" Origin thing so i called support. During the conversation I was asked for my password. I didn't give my password.

After being told for years by security folks at EA and other games that I would never be asked for my password and NEVER to share it; I was shocked at the request.

I was able to be assisted without giving my password by the way.

Thanks again for the info.