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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:48 pm
by Chalnoth Tholl
Hail PAS,
Next Saturday 2/18/12, following Deal or No Deal, the staff of WRR will bring their Pirates of the Wilted Rose event to Sonoma. In order for PAS to participate the Guild will have to "Declare War" so the event can take place in Tram. This is something PAS does not normally do, but in order to prevent reds from disrupting the event it is held in Tram. The war declaration will be removed after the event.

You need to know that even if you do not participate in the event, when the guild is at war, all other waring guilds can engage in combat. The war delcaration will be removed as soon as the event is over.

Unfortunately I will not be home to participate, so I will have to declare a few hours ahead of the event, probably around 5pm EST. If we have any issues prior to the event start I will ask WRR staff to cease upon Queen Mum's direction. I fully expect NO PAS will enage in war activity prior to event start.

If there are any serious objections to PAS participating in this event, held successfully on several otrher shards, please post your concern here for my consideration.

Yours in Service

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:39 pm
by Ciara
I think PAS will have to drop from the PAS-KVP alliance in order to declare war. That is how we handled one other occasion.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:56 pm
by Damien Kilcannon
I don't see any real issues with this...It is a short term thing for a once in a blue moon event...sounds like fun and I hope I can attend...