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PAS Gathering

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:52 am
by Chalnoth Tholl
Violet Jo orchestrated a wonderful pre-holiday meeting of PAS this past Saturday (12/15) in St Petersburg, FL. We met for lunch at a well known beach eatery "The Hurricane". Violet, me, Sally & Cerberus (Dean) traqveled from Orlando. Boe Ramen and Argon made the trip from West Palm. Pete (aka Turgon) came up from Ft Myers. Locals in attendance were Tiger and Mrs Patience, Reddogg and his wife Danielle and her brother, recently returned player Diablo.

We did a little beach combing, shared a great meal, swapped lots of UO stories, and even squeezed in a quick loot rool just for good measure. It was blast as usual meeting face-to-face without the PC buffer.

Hope you enjoy the pic's.

Violet, Boe, Argon, Chalnoth & Dean on Dune bridge headed to the beach

PAS arriving at the Hurricane

Some loot for a Holiday roll!

After our last post many asked "where was Mrs Tiger?"
So by popular demand, we bring you Mrs Patience (aka Carolyn)

Chalnoth and Diablo discuss game tactics!

Jo, Boe & Argon

Pete (aka Turgon), Jo, Reddogg & Cerberus-D

Dean Tiger, Jo & Diablo

Reddogg peeks in on Mr Wonderful and Mrs Patience

Reddogg hamming it up with Jo and Boe Raman

There's a handsome bunch of PAS!

Goofing off...We had a blast!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:16 am
by Darkstar
Great pictures

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:48 pm
by tiger
if I owned a business and saw this bunch walk in id call the cops !


PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:20 pm
by Luvs Harmony
Loved seeing the pictures of you all. What a great bunch of people!


PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:57 pm
by KDSonoma
dang Tiger you beat me to that comment!


looks like u all had a blast!