~ Day 3 ~ The Tour of Dungeon Covetous ...

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~ Day 3 ~ The Tour of Dungeon Covetous ...

Postby Queen Mum » Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:02 pm

Tour in Dungeon COVETOUS, Home of the Magic and Undead!!


The sun was setting as we gazed into the black hole before us, "Let's Get Ready to Roll" someone in the group yelled out.


Making sure we were equipped with supplies, we proceeded through the entrance and down the long path ....


where we were met by harpies who were in a disgustingly foul mood for being disturbed by mortal beings.

Screeching in our ears the harpies began their battle. Our brave fighters of all classes fought back, while skilled healers and rezzers flicked their spells in perfect time for the defense.

Soon the tour members were safe from the first beast attack,


and headed deeper into the dark Dungeon Covetous.


Fighting against other beastly spawns and ...


ewwwwy dread spiders ... we didn't stay to long to notice what just hit us.


Along the next trail sounds of traps echoed in our ears, and the call to "DEFEND" came once more with headless and gazers surrounding the group.


Immediately the unit went into action with warriors, tamers, mages performing its defense in such wonderous unity that this newbiefied player watched in awe!

Again we were safe and feeling even more confident in what might be around the corner, the group forged ahead ....


Finding the entrance to the next level, we entered and an airy voice bellowed out "Beware ye who enter these halls!"


Stepping back in fear, this newbiefied player asked .... What was that??? A response came .... "Go no father, lest ye face thy death!"


Reassured by the leaders and helpers that they would fight to the death, that they would defend any newbiefied player to the end, we proceeded down the now cold cave.

More beast seemed to be just waiting for immediately the group went into action to fighting off whatever was attacking.


From what this newbiefied player was told, since one can't see with their eyes closed, that all kinds of magic and undead were all around us.

Naturally following the directions of the group guides to stay hidden and "don't move till told to" this newbiefied player froze in place.

The guiders yelled out "ALL CLEAR", and once again I was able to view the action. I peeked out of hiding and lying all around were dead corpses of the evil beings.


We had one more staircase to travel. There would be the end of our Tour of Dungeon Covetous . What new horrors would this newbiefied player see?

Opening the door to enter the final level we were surprised at seeing a dead liche floating in the doorway.


Was this a sign of what was to come?

Slowly we stepped into a sight that this newbiefied player will never forget ....


Now of course any player should and would be shivering at the sight of this huge beast that can toss the best of the best like muffins, but thankfully it doesn't attack you unless you attack it first!

*Well that isn't gonna happen with this newbiefied player anytime soon ....

We paused for group pictures with the horrific dragon *kind of cute I thought* and waved goodbye as we headed back to the front entrance of Dungeon Covetous.


Thank you to everyone who came and participated in the dungeon tour. With the assistance of healers/rezzers, and guides representing guilds from KHV, KmR, PAS, HELP, PORN, NUTS, HOG, MOFO, and others that I missed writing down, we had a fabulous excursion!

Of course hats off to Gama Issison and Lessa for being wonderful tour guides and to Whispering Rose Radio for their co-sponsorship.
*A Cookie A Day Keeps The Blues Away*
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
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