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Postby Tracy » Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:20 pm

So, apparently, the rooms never spawn less than two fluffies.

Today, I logged on and went to the gauntlet, just to see what was going on. No DF's.

I checked the first room. Empty.

Ran to the second room, and it had a red door. Naturally, I went in.

First thing I noticed was there was nobody there. Then I noticed the two big cockroaches residing there. Figuring there were perhaps 5 people and they all left after the first room, I decided to try to kill them and progress through the rooms.

I precasted an EV, ran down to where the two fleshies were and dropped the EV. One bug took the bait, the other took to chasing me. I quickly cast an invis, ran to the door, and targeted myself. Thus, I pulled one bug away from the other. Divide and conquer!

Okay, so it's not that simple.

Run, invis to break aggro, run some more, meditate, precast an EV, drop the EV in front of the target roach, invis to break aggro, explosion, corpse skin, flamestrike, flamestrike, flamestrike, flamestr...whoops, EV is dead.

Run, invis to break aggro, run some more, meditate, precast an EV, drop the EV in front of the target roach, invis to break aggro, explosion, corpse skin, flamestrike, flamestrike, flamestrike, flamestr...whoops, EV is dead.

You get the idea.

Somewhere about halfway through the first cockroach, I died. I couldn't get the invis off. He kept fizzling me, and I never use protection, out of principle.

I pay my 5k for a res, and go back into the room with the cockroaches. Not that I needed my corpse, everything was insured. That's the beauty of running an LRC mage.

Anywho, I dispatched the first one, and I also worked on my technique a bit too. The second one died without a hitch.

Except that I took just over an hour to kill two bugs.

Next room!

Put on the demon slayer spellbook, these guys don't run nearly as fast, so I can surely get the invis off.

Using the same technique as before, I dropped an EV on one and the other followed me up to the door. Finished that one, ran down to the other one, killed him. No death in that room, and it only took me 35 minutes!

Switched to the undead slayer spellbook, ran to the fourth room. Same thing. I finished those two up in 25 minutes, and got the dragon stick! Yay! Another blue lance to add to the pile of blue lances!

So, here's the total score:

2 hours
1 (worthless) arty

Fleshrenderers: 1
Darknight Creepers: 0
Shadow Knights: 0
Me: 6

And it only cost me about 11k...and looting the corpses (since they weren't instanced, I soloed them), I got about 13k, for a net gain of 2k and a dragon stick (total net gain with gold and arty: 2,001 gold).

After that I logged. Not that I needed to go, but I didn't really feel like trying my luck with the abyssmal horrors. Not that I think I might die, because I know I would, I just wanted to quit while I was ahead for once...

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Postby Lord Drakelord » Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:42 pm

Well you had better luck then me. My poor prov/mage has got into so much trouble when she all alone down there, been times I had to hide and just walk away as I am no way near getting a DF killed, still when there are more folks around I can be of help with prov the spawn on to the DF.

Took her out of Doom today so I can work on Discor skill, just a matter of getting the time to train now.
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