If bored... go explore the sewers!! ~TOD~ Continues ...

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If bored... go explore the sewers!! ~TOD~ Continues ...

Postby Queen Mum » Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:20 pm

Something was beckoning us to venture inside the Britain Sewers and although there were warning signs posted we were ready to take the steps into a world unknown for some and past wonderment for others.


Our lead guides, Lord Galahad and Lord Gama were well aware of the 'underground zoo' since they had used the route many times to get to the 'Lost Lands'. They went first to 'clear the way' for this newbiefied adventurer and called out from deep beneath the ground 'all clear' ... forge ahead!


Entering the dark passage an alligator smiled and smacked its lips at the thought of fresh newbiefied legs for dinner but it didn't realize our companions and assistant guides Maggie and Cymoril had plans of their own for its skin.


Poof it was down and the group continued on the maze path all the while we could hear moans, groans, and gnashing of teeth.


Now for anyone who has never dealt with rats ... the sounds alone could make one want to run, hide and hope to get out of there as soon as possible!

We took one step at a time as the more skilled adventurers went ahead to handle the 'not much to worry about' beings that seemed to be what we had heard above ground calling us to come and play...

We were told to jump down a level by stepping off this 'ledge' which reminded me of a Mel Brooks quote "Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."


Sir Scott went before me and laid his cloak down so my newbiefied landing would be as slime less as possible.

With only a scuff and a slight bump to the elbow we continued on and were told of how not to long ago, during the Inu quest, there was a secret dungeon that we could enter by speaking "charvory" at the sign near the switches but they no longer worked - so we continued on ...

As we went further - more alligators, giant rats, sewer rats tried to cause havoc but our group flicked them away like pesky flies and the bullfrogs seemed to be cheering us on....


but no one warned us newbiefied adventurers about the other beings that could target us ... elementals... !!!


They couldn't touch us, they were in what looked liked cages ... now I understood the term Sir Galahad had spoken at the beginning ... ‘underground zoo’ ...


well I wasn't going to stay to help feed the 'animals'. We followed our guides into what they said was the exit ... but it sure looked like a void of no return to this newbiefied player.


Having already experienced the 'jump' I thought about waiting for all the others to go before me, but quickly changed my thoughts when once more I heard the moans, groans and gnashing teeth and decided that at least light was at the end of the tunnel (so I was told) ....

Stepping into the void a bright light did encompass our eyes ... but we were smack in a swamp!! Hoppers Bog the companions explained …



there were several 'monsters' around, a huge snake slivered around as though grinning with delight at the group.... but once more the experienced members took action and poof it was dealt with so we could continue on with our adventure by planting over 200 green thorns...

(thank you very much to the two players who donated the thorns)


and for this newbiefied player to learn just how vines are collected....


We had a fun night with as much excitement as we hoped for.


We saw, and learned, lots of interesting things in this ancient passage to the Lost Lands.


So, if you get bored... just go explore the sewers!!


*Special thank you to Gama for the Kingdom Reborn snapshots.
*A Cookie A Day Keeps The Blues Away*
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
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