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Postby Lord Drakelord » Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:44 am

A psychology professor at the University of Miami knew his students expected a terrifyingly long final exam.
To play with their minds a little(what do you expect from a psychology professor?) he only put ONE question on the final exam.
He watched the reactions of the students as they all opened the exams and saw the one question.

Initially they all looked relieved, but as the difficulty of the question began to sink in, those relieved faces sagged to confusion and consternation.
All, that is, except for one student. He read the question, tapped his pencil into his palm a few times, then jotted something down on the test paper. He walked up to the professor, handed him the final, and walked out.

The professor blinked in surprise, looked at what the student wrote, and smiled.
The professor wrote "100%" on the top of that student's test.

The question: What is courage?
The student's answer: This is.
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Lord Drakelord
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