New Lands Not Open to 2D Players?

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New Lands Not Open to 2D Players?

Postby Maldar » Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:13 pm

Is it true that the new Stygian Abyss lands cannot be accessed by 2D players, only KR players? Does anyone know where the official site says this? I'm really bumming here. I *hate* KR!
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Postby Ariel Joy » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:12 pm

No Worries. The new lands will be open to both clients. There are more 2d players than there are KR players at this time. If they greatly improve the new client that may change. There are lots of things that can't be done easily in KR.

I think I have seen this posted in the Five on Friday reports. These reports can be found either in Stratics or at the EA-UO website.
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Postby Maldar » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:17 pm

Thank you, Ariel. I'm relieved. Someone was saying last night that the new lands would only be for KR.
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Postby AshOfCaine » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:55 pm

Ariel Joy wrote:There are lots of things that can't be done easily in KR.

I wouldn't say lots. In fact the only thing that I have used 2D for in the past 6 months was to stock a vendor, and even that can be done in KR just can't align very well for 2D shoppers.

With the work on custom UI skins KR is able to stand on it's own with only a small few features missing from UOA and none missing from 2D itself.

But to the original post, yes it has been said time and time again by every dev that 2D client will continue and will be updated to handle the new expansion including lands and skills.
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:10 pm

I know everyones heard this a million times, but I wont ever play 2d again unless I run into an impossible bug in KR. For awhile, I couldnt see thru the roof of some houses, so I couldnt see the table to drop items on in bedlam dungeon to get keys. They fixed that 2 months ago.

Then they had a bug with friending people to my house, sometimes I could access them but not change them to friend because they wouldnt show on the list of the house as accessed (you access, then click to change them to friend, co owner etc). They fixed that 2 weeks ago.

That was the last time I logged into 2d, and unless I run across something else that I cant do in KR, I wont ever open the 2d client. the way I describe it to my friends is 2d works, but kr rocks.

Its like having a 15 yr old computer that still runs without errors, its ok, but when u get a new one that blows it away, why would u still run the old computer? Even if I run into some minor problems?

I do understand how some people's computer cannot handle kr, so thats a logical reason not to use it. but I have a 6 yr old computer here with a video on the motherboard and minimal ram etc and it runs kr just fine. I only buy amd chips, so that might be an issue if some people are using an intel chip, as they ummm ... well they suck compared to amd hehe I tested them yrs ago and wont ever run an intel chip again either.

Hmm am I sounding like an old man like Tiger now when I talk in absolutes?

I wont play 2d again.
I wont ever buy an intel chip.
Oh and I also will never buy any product made by Apple hehe.

But for those that haven't tried KR (and I dont mean for like 30 minutes, I mean give it a week of playing one character to get used to it), I highly recommend it.

I didnt like it at first, so I made myself play on KR for 3 straight days over a three day weekend at home and ended up absolutely loving it.

I sure hope they make very minor changes to it when they come out with the SA client. I really see nothing in 2d that is preferable to kr. yes, I know they need to work on dressing your vendor and organizing the items on a vendor, but thats a workable fix, not something I prefer in 2d at all.

If they were to stop supporting the KR client, I would leave UO that same day hehe.

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Postby Lord Drakelord » Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:45 am

they better come out with a box, with CDs for both 2d and SA, when SA is launched, or we not getting it as I refuse to download anything from EA again. I don't like KR, I don't care that you can dress in 2 seconds flat, I don't care that you can see healers on the map. I hate the avatar image in the health bar and the paperdolls suck. We will continue to play 2d and if the put out a CD with SA on it then we will check it out, but if there is no CD then we stay in 2d till they pull the plug.
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Postby KDSonoma » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:01 pm

I would prefer a CD too, but it does add a cost to everything, so does a box etc (although I love the old Ultima game boxes etc that I have kept as momentos).

As for the paper dolls Drakelord ... umm the female ones ... are .... *gets whiplash turning back* ... umm where was I? oh yeah I totally APPROVE of the female paper dolls in KR *smiles*.

Hey at least I didnt say naked chicks OH CRAP I DID.


I hear ya drakelord, though. Maybe Im weird, but I like the graphics WAY better in KR. When I load 2d I feel like I'm playing ultima 2 or 3 when I could be playing Ultima 7. But I have friends who are hardcore tamers that hate how they changed the look of some pets in KR.

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Postby Irwin Hunter » Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:12 am

Hear, Hear on the pet thing. They need to fix. I like KR though, but I will get messed up with the new graphics. So I have to change out, or I get lost. I am getting better as I practice with KR though. I have not checked the vendor clothing again for awhile. Once they fix that, it should be full go. Except to stock vendors for die hard 2d persons. Be nice if they fixed that also. The legacy bags do not do the trick either :(
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