For all the old DnD players

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For all the old DnD players

Postby Taylanna » Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:27 am

This story might bring just a little chuckle upon your face...
The short tale of Judas, (My father), the Flashing blue light.

Judas stumbled into my room, stars in his eyes like a kid on Christmas morning, he held a small purple pouch.

"What do you think is in here?" He asked, still with those silly stars in his eyes. "I bet you will NEVER guess."

"Marbles?" I ask, studying the bag, it looks deformed, purple and dusty. It has to be something from his earlier years.

"Wrong guess again!" Judas says almost jumping for joy that it is still a mystery. "C'mon, guess... you haven't guessed properly yet!"

"I give up! I know it's not glass eyes so what is it?"

Judas walks over to my desk, swipes everything off onto my bed with one motion, opens the bag and dumps ALL the di he played DnD with.

"My DnD Dice!!!" He shouted, I thought i was going to have a heart attacking laughing so hard. "Want to play?" He proceeds to ask me. "You can go to school, play with all the little kids around and make Red your ultimate character, that's how Judas was started." He looked at the dice, showing my all the little faces, what they meant....

"I remember on night, Me and a couple friends were out playing and we would have to carry these backpack full of books, spell books, monster book I and II, all these other things, just in a single backpack... We'd get to my buddies house and play for days. The worst time was when we were trying to do (Something with an R; maybe Randsvale?) and we all died, we paniced, we tried calling up everyone we knew! Yelling go get Steve! he'd die, go get Glen; he'd die. And if you died, you were done..."

"I remember one night, we were at Glens house, and I would drink at DnD events all the time, and Glen would start making stuff up, saying "And you see a Flashing blue light!" then I'd be the drunk that would be playing with something and we'd go along with it... god weren't we nerds."

He looked at all the dice, swooped them up into the bag and handed them to me. "See if anyone in PAS wants to play" he whispered then walked out of my room with a smile of success.
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Postby Maldar » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:21 am


*pulls AD&D dice bag (old Crown Royal purple velvet bag with gold cord closer) and Dungeon Master guide out*

*cough* *cough* *Blows off dust*

*stands there with glazed-over eyes*
Last edited by Maldar on Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Taylanna » Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:45 pm

lol crazy people...
he said he teach me :]
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:07 pm

hehe Katie is REALLY into D&D now with her friends, and today we got my old board games out of the attic.

Man those brought back memories.

Remember these games were from like 1978 to 1983. Some were D&D, some were other goofy things.

My favorite old game that was absolutely looney was SNITS REVENGE hehe u played snits inside this body of an alien and u had to get to his heart to kill him, zone by zone, or something like that. WEIRD but fun game and was glad to find that box among these.

Anyways Ill get Katie to read this story, she will get a kick outta it.

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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:36 pm

They were probably playing those were some hard a blast...

Every once in a while we would go "Monty Python" and create super crazy powerful chars and see what it took to kill them...I miss those day....lost all my d&d stuff years ago but still remember my blood red dice bag...I miss it still
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Postby Taylanna » Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:13 pm

Once Judas teaches me I'll have to come visit KD,
we'll have a D&D fun time hehe
Judas' bag is Dark purple with purple strings,
a huge blood stain on it (Not sure if i should ask about that one)
and smells like vanilla (Not sure if i should ask about that one either)
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Postby Brianna » Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:14 pm

*looks over at the doorway*
*smiles fondly*

you know every weekend me and shino and about 2-6 others sit down and play assorted pen and paper games...let me introduce you to a few of my characters....

Kacie is by far my favorite DnD character that I have so far she is 5'6 with vivid green eyes and damn near glowing red hair that flows to her ankles when she lets it down...she is a rogue sorcerer and currently looking for the perfect home to set up and raise a few children until then though she travels the world with Dex(hot drow), Gerron(confusing human on a quest of some sort...aka Shino), Pella(the bard), Andrew(8 year old sorcerer who sees "ninjas"), and Richard(the gallant knight dude who can't hit the broad side of a barn with his lance)

we meet up for this game of saturday nights most times but sometimes we convince the DM to run on other nights as well

we also play Marvel and in that world i am known as Ronnette the temperamental girl who can breath under water and control the weather...did i mention she is pregnant so you know her hormones are

Red if you ever come to georgia we can roll you into one of our games and you can travel the world over with us
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Postby Taylanna » Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:17 pm

Awesome :]
I would love to join!!!
I have to get Judas to teach me,
my boyfriend knows how to play,
so next time he's down we might play.
But I'm excited
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Postby Maldar » Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:32 pm

Back around 1979, I hooked up with a group of strangers that played Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) at a gaming club that offered other gaming as well. When I set my swordsman up the first night there, I did something that I had never seen before when rolling for my character's strength.......all sixes.....strength of 18! He could kill all medium strength monsters with a single swing (had to shake guts off the sword after every fight, a little gross.) :D
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Postby Sagan » Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:18 pm

I remember one DM I had. He was a nuclear engineer... and schizo... or is that the same thing? Any way this bastard had us in a dungeon once, we were looking for some holy relic for one of the religious organizations of the campaign... In one room we find this glowing pedestal floating about a foot of the ground, on top is a ruby the size of yer head. Now this DM was stingy as hell about giving out treasure so this to us is a major score, we could finance a keep with this! as we approach the pedestal starts spinning, the Mage in our party says "I got a bad feeling about this." Thats when we all see a brilliant flash of light and when our eyes clear, we find ourselves in the middle of downtown Manhattan, present day. Only he doesn't tell it like that, he describes huge towers made of glass and steel. huge metal creatures with people trapped inside, etc etc... And of course our Barbarian goes nuts and starts hacking away at volvo's and what not trying to free the people, cops show up, the barbarian gets shot, the mage can't even make smoke, cuz his magic won't work... it was interesting to say the least.
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Postby Taylanna » Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:24 pm

wow it sounds interesting....
almost like "Oops, I think we took the wrong portal"
type thing :P
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Postby Julion » Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:55 pm

sounds like the old joke.
that the ppl in the forgotten realms play-"Payroll and paychecks".
I played AD&D.
But I had battletech on the brain.
does anyone reminber Shadowrun? If someone was to set that up as a morpeg it would own.
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:35 pm

one time I visited Connecticut and had like 4 nephews and 3 nieces there and they asked about D&D. I happened to bring an Ultima book with me, so I was the DM and created a world for them.

Funniest thing, at one point they found a tree with a hole in it that kinda glowed inside, but they couldnt see too far in.

The smallest nephew was only 3 or so, and he was the only one that had the guts to reach in. I told him it grabbed his hand, he heard noises, felt being pulled into a goo like mass, then after 20 secs it stopped and let him go.

So everyone kinda forgot about it, and they went on a 3 day long adventure (RL), and at the end was a tree with another hole in it, and a hand imprint inside. Everyone put their hand in and nothing happened, then someone said hey let Scott try (the 3 yr old), and it fit, and opened the door to the treasure at the end.

You should have seen the smile on his face as all his cousins were patting him on the back, and he said real loud "YOU NEEDED ME!"

that was one of the most fun I ever had.

Course what did I hear after it was over? "Uncle David lets play another one!" rofl but we left the next morning.

Fun time for everyone, they still tell stories to their friends about that adventure.

OK one more story, I ran another D&D as DM in space, people decided on college or military, and rolled for skills from each, and then the game started.

This one friend was walking down the street, and I told him he saw a very angry looking mob coming down the street, and all he had was a pistol with 6 rounds in it.

Instead of playing smart, and trying to ask questions to get more clues about this mob, he said "OK I shoot the biggest guy first" rofl. So he rolled, and wounded him, and now the mob was changing direction and moving towards him. He kept shooting, and killed one and wounded like 3 more, and was pitchforked to death.

I said "wtf were u thinking? That mob wasnt after you, they were heading down the street." He looked at me and said "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Can we play again?"

DOH hehe dang goober.

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Postby Sagan » Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:26 pm

Julion wrote:does anyone reminber Shadowrun? If someone was to set that up as a morpeg it would own.

Actually they screwed it up... Microsoft released it last year, but its a MMOFPS They completely destroyed it in my opinion. Shadow Run could have been the coolest cyberpunk mmorpg ever, but the bastards made it an online FPS.
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Postby Julion » Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:59 am

microsoft pulled the plug on the game. all there was the arena thing.
there was a weak version for the 64 also back in the day
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