The change on gold weight and the BOS

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The change on gold weight and the BOS

Postby Lord Drakelord » Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:42 pm


=GalenKnighthawke;1167835]This has the feel of a bug.

Total guess here, but it's a reasonable one:
I think that they had 2 ideas on how to proceed....Make gold lighter, OR restore bags of sending. They coded both, decided on the latter, then forgot to take out the former.

Official comment is quite necessary here.


-Galen's player
It's intentional, for many of the reasons already cited above, and I'd recommend you enjoy the gold drops now before we rebalance the loot!

=GalenKnighthawke;1167859]Thank you for the clarification. I won't be able to get much gold farming in today....Oh well. Maybe the change will be left in for awhile before you do said re-balancing.

Which brings me the loot? I know I've heard/read you all talking about monster loot, making it more useful.

But are you basically telling us you're changing gold drops too?

-Galen's player

=Tina Small;1168036]Maybe LRC is going to be capped and everyone who uses it will be forced to carry some amount of reagents. Was looking at some of the regs used for mysticism and would imagine a bit of weight could be eaten up carrying around daemon bone and fertile dirt. Am guessing dragon's blood might not be particularly heavy.
LRC weighs heavily upon my mind.

There. Scary thought?


=4gregu;1168046]That depends on why it bothers you. If it is because you think a cap on LRC would deter scripters... it won't. If it's because you think it would balance playstyles, it won't. If it just irks you, then yes... I am scared.
LRC is one of those things that we have no intention of touching or "balancing," for exactly the reasons described above.

It's unfortunate that we placed ourselves in a situation where reagents were so completely displaced, but there are so many other real things that need attention that it's become something we just have to deal with.

Thank god!

=4gregu;1168093]Yea, that's one rabbit you can't put back in the hat.

Unless you can find an exhaustible, un-insurable item(s) that all warriors need before they can return to combat.
Yep! There's no way we can stuff the rabbit back into the hat with our existing rulesets... :)

The entire thread can be found here
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