Devilspawn of KSS

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Devilspawn of KSS

Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:42 am

hehe interesting reading the old SA stuff. Search for "devilspawn" in these forums, and go to the Sonoma Alliance articles of alliance etc and scroll down to see his name a few times. Rememeber this is like 1999 or so too.

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Postby DevilSpawn » Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:31 pm

Not sure what forum you're talking about there. I don't know if I knew what a message board was when I was in KSS, lol... and I don't think you're talking about the PAS forums.

Knights of the silver serpent, what a newb guild... hehe Man that was way back. The GM of that guild used to wear full valorite platemail around with a vanq or power katana EVERYWHERE he went and he was totally bad. One time I set it up where he'd "encounter" my buddy... Kid Rock... who KD might remember... and Boggy Bunyen... and they were supposed to kill him and share the loot with me... since you'd never find anyone with stuff that nice outside of town... Anyway, they attack him and he's owning them with the vanq katana and they had to run away... lol and he recalls out. It was hilarious.

I remember they wouldn't let me in the guild because my first character had negative Karma... Some guy had blocked my buddy in the sewers with a bunch of frogs and rats and had looted him... a 'noto pk'. So me and my buddy (Azza) went in there and PKed her when she was blue... so I was "rude". Hawke (the GM of KSS, I think) wouldn't let me join then even though I'd gotten neg. karma from killing a bad guy, lol... so I farmed the sewers until I got 70 swords and got un-rude then joined. After that whenever I PKed miners or whatever, I had to hide from Hawke until I had positive karma again, it was hilarious. (I was like 14-15 years old)

Eventually, after being in KSS for a while, I got PKed in the NPC fort above the crossroads near brit... and they killed my very first horse. I quit the guild after that to go red... (I was taking the horse death out on everyone else, hehe)

I didn't even play DS then. One of my buddies did who I got the account from... we met in that guild. I think he quit in 1999? and I got his account.
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Postby KDSonoma » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:16 pm ... 241&t=4914

then search for Devilspawn on that thread. Interesting reading.

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