Turkeys on TC

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Turkeys on TC

Postby Lord Drakelord » Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:28 pm

Should be live on Sonoma Soon


we killed a few turkeys.
can discord them and then get 2 to fight each other.
I also killed with archer. They teleport you to them in certain cases like when their pathfinding tells them they cant get to you.
I estimated hit points at 30,000
they are weakest against cold.

there are also haribringers around at least on test center we saw 1

when killed you get a 1/3 map or a full map.
its hugh about the size of vesper in the map view so you dont need to look at small areas but large areas.
you get a brush from wilson in moonglow zoo.
tell him brush, its timered.

use brush on map and then ground and when close it tells you so.
once within around 8 steps or so a nest will appear and it is on a timer.

the nest has cornacopia which gives 10 items (10 charges) of which is food and some random food deco (i think) I got normal food and 1 stalk of corn that i couldnt eat but looked like deco.

also a feather that works like a smoke bomb then disappears.

there are 3 eggs there and the last one I did had 2 giant eggs and 1 normal one. I could double click the 2 giant ones and break them. the last egg i could not figure out how to get.
(blue crystals?)

again nest is on timer so be quick about it.

Saw this over at Stratics after having my butt handed to me several times on TC.


The quest is only active on Test Shard (TC1) so far.

The turkeys are tough! They have all sorts of special attacks: Bleed, area spells (tamers beware), teleport themselves, teleport you. They also have the ability of hiryus to lower your phys resist. Then they have an ability of their own (I believe?): They make you move slower, so you can't run, and as far as I can tell it also affects your swingspeed.

I tried with a paladin archer - I gave up because I did like 18-24 damage with EoO and CW, and the turkey showed a sliver of red in the health bar. Perhaps an ABC archer with a bird slayer talisman would do better.

I tried with a freshly tamed cu sidhe - it almost got killed, but then the turkey killed me and just left the dog alone.

EVs last about 5-10 seconds - then they are so much purple dust flying in the wind...

Barding difficulty is 160, so it takes the best bard to deal with these. Discord will be a huge help. Gonna try that next time.

Another post same thread there.



You're not actually supposed to pick up any of the eggs. If you can, please yell at me for messing up so I can fix it asap! You want to leave the normal turkey eggs alone but make sure you destroy the giant ones, you might find something useful!


Yes, there seems to be an issue with the maps assembled from map fragments. I'll be fixing that first thing Monday morning.

The turkeys are meant to be killed preferrably by a group and ideally with a bard to discord it. It's not an obligation but it will definitely help. The top 20 attackers will all receive something: either a full map or a map fragment (with a low chance of getting the horn). So you really don't need to worry about doing uber damage, which means if you see a giant turkey roaming around, join forces!


And what does the bard get? Unless they are more than a bard, notta.

Hmmm bards usually have at least some magery or taming or a dexxer skill. I don't really know any bard that has no other form of offensive skills. Even at 120 pts in each barding skills, that still leaves room for other abilities. The loot on the corpse doesn't really matter. But if you want to increases your chances, you can do what bards usually (I know I do!) ie, cast some summons if your magery is high enough, or some lower level spells, or throw some explo pots etc.

Get creative :mf_prop:

Another post at the turkey thread at Stratics.


Lord Drakelord;
P.S. When does this hit all the shards?


QA is doing another pass today on a few bug fixes we did this morning, thanks to the feedback from the players that tested on TC over the week-end. So once they give us the thumbs up, we'll be able to give you a more definite ETA.
Last edited by Lord Drakelord on Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:04 pm

Are you all able to see the pictures in the link at top?
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Postby Maldar » Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:59 pm

No, I see none of them.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:40 pm

Maldar wrote:No, I see none of them.
can you try again I edit the link
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Postby Maldar » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:52 pm

I still can't see them. Anyone else see them?
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:05 am

Maldar wrote:I still can't see them. Anyone else see them?

Maybe have to be in facebook?

Possible reward from the turkey/egg hunt
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Postby wild flower » Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:41 am

Sounds like fun to me.
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Postby Maldar » Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:46 pm

Now I saw that last photo of the goodies we can get. Those are cool!
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