Mystic Soloer Part 2-Shimmer and Doom

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Mystic Soloer Part 2-Shimmer and Doom

Postby BadgirlXalan » Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:55 pm

Ok so from the first post we learned the gear and skills, now lets go over some technique. Shimmering's boss is not very friendly to mystics, 160 magery on the boss causes lots of dispelling. I use a trick I learned from Willie Maykit. I run 2 clients with my 2 accounts. one on SA one on Classic client. Now this may not be doable by most but ill go over it incase anyone can learn something from it. I take 2 tamers with greater dragons, one tamer is a disco/provo and other is weaver mage. the disco tamer parks his dragon against the wall in the Safe room and invis' himself and the other tamer n dragon. this gets the shimmering locked onto the discos draggie. I then go out into the main room and discord the shimmer, then i go back into safe room and provo target my dragon, go back into main room and second provo target the shimmer, I do this until the dragon is successfully provoed onto the shimmer. This keeps the shimmer from running around. Now i leave the disco tamer and dragon in safe room and get on other client with the other tamer and kill the shimmer. Killing any side spawn as it pops. This trick works with groups too.

Now for doom gauntlet solo. The rooms are quite easy with my Mystic. Just rising colossus and invis. Be sure to have a focus if possible to make word of death worth using. Each room is about the same, the 2nd and 3rd room can be timeconsuming because they dispel but keep at it and they will fall.
The Dark Fathers.... this is where ya need alil more game. Have a blade in pack to cut the Unholy bones as much as possible, even if ya only hit a pile once itll help keep the Lich Lords and Rotting Corpses down. Keep a rising colossus up on the DF and keep invised while you cut bones. The trouble here is the side spawn will not target the Colossus summon while its fighting DF so the side stuff will come after you if your not invised. Keep the healthbar of your colossus up so you can watch its health. When its close to dying get a new one ready to drop. Now with the unholy bones its good to hold down ctrl and shift to see the item tags. This way you can easily target the bones. It gets hard as the gold piles add up from cut up bones but keep at it. Once its in Word of Death range hit it with one and run and invis, every time you hit with a word of death it will make the DF very mad at you. Continue this hit and move strategy till he drops. Now usually after the DF is down I go around and clear teh side spawn left behind out of courtesy to next runners.

If ya got questions just find me in game, usually on Carnes the Wise, Badgirl, or Xalan. All in all one strategy works on alot of stuff, and thats RC and Invis :p
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Postby Horizon » Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:51 am

Wow... Nice!!!
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Postby dlwiii » Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:39 am

Great writeup - thank you!

What are the Unholy Bones for? Where do they come from? Why do you cut them?
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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:43 pm

dlwiii wrote:Great writeup - thank you!

What are the Unholy Bones for? Where do they come from? Why do you cut them?

The Dark Fathers throw the the unholy bones at you and if you do not cut them quick enough they will spawn into skeletons, liches, rotting corpses by using scissors on them they do not spawn!
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Postby dlwiii » Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:15 pm

thank you for the explanation!
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