Savage Paint

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Savage Paint

Postby Horizon » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:38 am

So last week when I dumped all the UO files from my computer and deleted the registry as well, it finally got rid of the bug that my Tamer Ike had for almost three years.

For those of you that didn't know... When I went through the human to elf quest, I was wearing savage paint. Well the savage paint could not be removed. Before you say it, I tried EVERYTHING!!!!.. ie: Acid cloth, attacking savages, Mask of orcish kin, calling a GM... EVERYTHING!!

Now the only real problem with this, is that I could not use Etheral Voyage or Reaper Form on my tamer/spell weaver.

The other day I accidently hit the icon for reaper form and to my dismay, *poof* Ike turned into a reaper. I couldn't help but try the ethy voyage spell and it worked too.

All I can surmise is that something in my registry or in one of my corrupted files was keeping the paint on and not allowing me to remove it. Once I swept it away... I could then transform. As I type this, I am finding a big hole in my logic. I also played it on another computer and couldnt transform.... Hrmmmmm, Maybe UO fixed it afterall.
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Postby Ciara » Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:10 am

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Postby Lord Drakelord » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:28 pm

Ciara wrote:Congratulations!!

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