Update on Red :]

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Update on Red :]

Postby Taylanna » Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:29 pm

Hey guys! Remember my last post when i said "i'll be back a few more times a week." Didn't happen, sorry!

I went out on the boat last week got sunburnt and have been falling asleep early, trying to pass all of my exams and do fun college stuff!! Well, Tomorrow, Friday June 11th I will be graduating! I will post pictures up promise!!

If some of you have FB you would've seen my "status'" of me being sunburnt, and I have been joking with some people I will be playing the character "red" because of my sunburnt, some people got it in school while others looked at me like I had seven heads then walked away.

Since I last posted, I became a State FFA Deligate, so that may take a little more time. I found out I placed 21st out of 297 in my class :] I have my FFA President retiring speech and a friend of the dean of NCstate was there and he told me if I needed help getting in he'd help as much as he could, which is a HUGE life savor! I also changed what I want to major in college.

I dropped band due to a long thought process, getting on KD's thinking box he loaned me (if anyone remembers, it wasn't the soap box, but when he had to ponder a lot he joked with me about a seperate box, I'm pretty sure it was KD :] I could be wrong though!!!) Well I changed majors due to my passion for music, this year alone band was horrible for me. I didn't enjoy it like I did in previous years and I was frustrated with my classmates on how the class to them was "an easy A" which brought me to think, do I want to be in this enviorment where I will be challanged with the "idiot" of band wanting that "easy A" or go into a field I will enjoy, which happened to be Agricultural Education.

I have enjoyed every bit of my Ag. Classes and even the FFA parts to it. Going to Indiana for National Convention and meeting a ton of people! To stepping outside of my boundaries and experiencing "southern" things, as my FFA friends would say. I have grown to love the smell of disel, fresh cut wood, and love the texture of mud and saw dust, I love being outdoors and dealing with livestock type animals. So that was my long thought (sorry for those of you who are still reading, i would've given up after Didn't happy, sorry!)

So! This brings me to . . . I will be posting pictures of graduation stuff. It's sad that high school is over for me, but I am ready to move on. ERHS, my high school, I didn't feel like I belonged that well, but that can be another topic if KD lets me post again :P

Thanks everyone who supported me while in PAS, you have all made a mark in my heart :] Even if I don't know you that well, everyone has left an imprint in my heart through PAS and Ultima Online in general :]

Now . . . I am hoping to get on more, *Crosses fingers* this month is a little hazy for a bit cause I will be in NC FFA State convention playing State Deligate for a week. Then i have to house sit for 8 days, but I am hopefully going to have my laptop! *crosses fingers still* I broke Judas' old one . . . well, he did then I made it worse, then my little sister picked it up by the screen and killed it :[ poor laptop.

But thank you everyone, and I am sorry to those who are still reading :D You are too kind :]

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Postby Ciara » Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:40 am

Its great to hear your news, Red. Congratulations on all your accomplishments in High School. I hope college will be great for you!

And I did read all the way to the end!
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Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:57 am

*hugs Red*

Sounds like u are having a lot of fun in RL, and thats what its all about! Congrats on all the accomplishments, I know u will have many more as you get older and try new challenges.

Always be yourself out there, dont try to be anything else. And be confident. you will be shocked how important self confidence can be. And others feel it and will be better themselves for being around you.

And above everything else, just enjoy life, every single day.

Jim Valvano was a college basketball coach and was dying of cancer, and made one of the greatest speeches I have ever heard. For anyone that hasnt heard it, watch ESPN when they have his annual tournament to fight cancer, they will play it many times, or check if youtube has it.

In essence, he said everyone should do three things every day: laugh, cry, and think. He said if a person does each of those, then they had a hell of a good day! I think about that a lot.

Another great quote was from John Wooden, the UCLA basketball coaching legend. It wasnt a quote of his, it was a quote from his wife. He once said that one of the things that impressed him about his wife was one of her prayers each day. "Give me strength to be beautiful on the inside today".

Just a couple of quotes that you might ponder as you get older.

Oh and yep we need to hear u in vent and see u ingame still goober girl! You have a contract with PAS. Dont make me get the Royal Attorneys to enforce that!

*hugs Red again*

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Postby Eleanor Rigby » Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:10 am

Hi Red,

Thanks for your post (I really enjoyed reading it) and the words of wisdom from KD!

Youyhave both given me many gifts of wisdom to think about today.

Have a great day everyone

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Postby Maldar » Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:36 pm

Congratulations, Red! You have been a busy young woman! Let us know about NC State.

Jimmy Valvano coached at NC State. Here is his 1993 speech at NC State:


And, for those of you that missed it or want to relive it, here are the highlights of the game and the best ever, pure emotion, celebration by an NCAA coach:

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Postby Taylanna » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:01 am

Thanks everyone!!! The pictures are going to be up soon! My mom posted them on FB her computer ate them and then the camera walked away. We're still trying to find the camera! FB isn't letting me copy then to my desktop for some reason, if someone knows a cheat way to do it let me know :]]

Thanks KD for the inspirational words! It's really something to think about and keep you on your toes.

Thanks everyone else for everything! You are all great people!

And I promise my contract will not be enforced, I should be roaming around tomorrow, or even tonight pending on Judas' mood. He has been making me watch him play golf on X-box for family time, he enjoys it and I fall asleep :D but it's funny cause his character sounds and looks nothing like him! But again thank you all! I will get those pictures up! Be smarter than the camera ;]
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Postby Taylanna » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:40 pm

Getting my Diploma

With my parents

With my father (judas)

With my mother

with Aj
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Postby KDSonoma » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:42 pm

woohoo Red! Awesome pics, u look SOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy :)

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Postby Taylanna » Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:46 am

oh i was :] I'm happy to be out of high school!!! Off to bigger and better things now!
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Postby Maldar » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:40 pm

Woot! Congrats again! Great photos! (You're not as short as your mom or as tall as your dad....you kinda' split the difference. :wink: )
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Postby Taylanna » Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:37 pm

hehe yeah, like the cingular bars :D but Tab is a little shorter then me so it doesn't fit well when both of us are there, but she was inside she didn't want to take pictures
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