FC versus Protection?

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FC versus Protection?

Postby dlwiii » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:00 pm

If I run the Protection spell, then my spells cannot be disturbed. However, the Faster Casting is no longer in effect.

So - what do people who run mages generally do? Go for FC 2, or use Protection, or turn Protection on and off for different circumstances?

If I do not need FC on my suit, then it certainly is easier and cheaper to build.
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Postby Cerberus C » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:42 pm

Generally speaking I turn protection on/off as I feel I need to. My suit (and that of all the Cerbs) is maxed out FC. If there are a lot of defenders around & I'm mostly healing/throwing Word of Death, then I leave protection down as the pets & melee peeps are taking most of damage. But if I'm fighting spell casters or we are low on melee folk, then I put it up. Especially if the stinkers can poison (like those lovely drakes) so that I can always get the cure spells off!
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Postby KDSonoma » Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:12 pm

I run protection on at all times on KD. When I tried going back and forth, my timing was all messed up, and I would end up throwing spells too fast, which made them roll over each other and delay the spells badly.

This way I got used to how fast I can throw everything, and I never get disrupted.

Personal preference, Im fine with slower casting if I get no interruptions. Interruptions to someone like me that isnt great at pvp usually mean friends or I (or both) die.

I even leave it on with pvm, mainly because I didnt want to have to learn the timing twice.

My two cents anyways.

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Postby dlwiii » Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:36 am

KD, it makes sense that for PVM, you keep Protection on, and then just learn the delays and work with them. I like that approach, and it tells me that for PVM I should try to make an excellent mage suit with no FC/FCR. That certainly saves imbuing slots and also saves a whole lot of relics.
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Postby Cerberus A » Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:31 pm

I didn't think FC was negated by protection, only that protection added a casting penalty. So if you had FC2 with protection up, you didn't cast as fast as without protection, but you still cast faster than no FC with protection. Any one clarify that?
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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:32 pm

I always thought having protection on was like a -1fc penalty...maybe -2...so if you had 3fc or 4fc in suit then you could run protection and still cast mage spells at max...I am pretty sure that protection has no bearing at all on fcr though...might need a mage to test this...I don't use magery for much other then summoning ev's and invising oh and the occassional gheal so I would not be the best to test it...
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Postby DevilSpawn » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:23 pm

protection takes your casting to -2 fc no matter what your fc is on the suit, at least for mage spells (I think it's for everything).

I argued about this in vent a while ago. Test it and post if I'm wrong.
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Postby KDSonoma » Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:26 pm

goober alert! *points at DS*

Move along, newbie!


Good to see a post from you, DS!

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