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Yup...I am sure this time!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:25 am
by Damien Kilcannon
Well folks, it is time to say goodbye for real this time. I want you all to know that I have absolutely loved being a part of the greatest guild this game has ever seen or will ever see for that matter. I am very honored to be considered worthy enough to be counted as an Elder of PAS and that is something I will always treasure. Looking over my contract here I see it says on page 7 in paragraph 8 that once I am an Elder I am always an Elder and will strive to uphold the virtues that make an Elder in my real life. I will miss you all deeply. I have made some great friends, good friends and yes, even some enemies I least I tried...LOL

But the game has just lost it's fun for me. I am rarely ingame for long anymore. I just kinda log in, look at my character and say to myself "now what" then realize I can't think of anything to do and log out again. I have real life stuff I need to be focusing on.

I cannot express my graditude enough to all of you who have helped me and those who let me help them. I will still have ICQ so if you see me on then please don't hesitate to say "Hello." Speaking of those that have helped me please let me know if there was something that you gave me ingame at some point that either I was supposed to give back or that you would like to have back and I will do what I can to get it to you. I will need to know ASAP though because I am putting my account up for sale on Ebay. I would really rather not sell my account but I can really use the money I hope to get from it.

So with that I will say goodbye for now and I want you all to know that I will miss the good times and yes even the bad to some extent.... :P

Ok, last but not least for my critics out there: this is not more is the real thing so you can break out those bottles of pink champagne and celebrate!!! :D THE DRAMA KING HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!! :D

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:03 am
by Rex
Damn man I'm gonna miss you, this sucks. Take a break like I did before you make any irrational decisions.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:23 am
by WiLdMaN
/cry, damien, guess you have to come play WoW - Tichondrius with me and DevilSpawn so we can teach you how to PvP so you can join our 3v3 Arena name....

Whatever you do though, don't make any character except a Warlock... Warlocks are gimp. =D *looks at xare*


Edit: Oh yea.. we're Alliance... Good guys 4tw

Onyxia - Horde

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:04 pm
by kyra
*moves Damien to the "did-kyra-say-you-could-leave" channel*

It's already been a bad week ... shame on you for making it worse *cries*.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:22 pm
by Valkyrie
Nobody will celebrate a PAS leaving. :/

I sent ya an icq tho

and if ya DO play WoW ... remember, even gimp warlocks need priests ...
even if they wont admit it

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:04 pm
by crystalkilcannon
Sorry people it is my fault for his threat to quit…
I did not mean for him to just up and quit. I just want him to remember that he has REAL LIFE to take care of. I am tired of being able to get off work at 7:30 some nights so I can go to events… but I can’t because I have to put in the hours to pay bills and crap like that.
I don’t know a lot on this game …. So it is hard for me to start any events…
So just to say Sorry to everyone… it is my fault … I only wanted MY husband to acknowledge me as HIS wife not THE wife …get a full-time job… and to take the time to show me how to do some things when I do get a chance to be on… instead of “I was on earlier… I don’t feel like playing anymore”
One last thing… some women like several months ago had something about getting together to do things… (Threnody was still on then) … but nothing ever came of it. I sent ICQ to one about my skills and the fact I do not know a lot in the game … and never heard anything back. Don’t offer if you don’t mean it.
I will be quitting…and either will try to talk Damien into staying …. Or he can use my account …
A select few actually ever took the time to icq me on anything ... So I don't know if I will be keeping that up or not ...

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:05 pm
by Tracy
Don't have your ICQ anymore bro, Q me if you can.


PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:09 pm
by Damien Kilcannon
Don't listen to my wife...she is being a is just time to move on....I was gonna sell acct but I think I am just gonna put stuff in bank and see what happens a few months from now...I was warned about selling accts on ebay and I don't wanna get scammed so I guess I will keep it

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:39 pm
by Mystique
Taking a break from the game is the best thing you can do. I for one love having you and Chrystal on the game. (UO)..

I attend some of the events and don't do good at them. I play Ghost a lot. It's the gray robe thing :lol: Most of the time Im playing alone getting my Fame back or building back up my Pets skills from the gray robes of the night before.

Chrystal I am always open to having someone coming along with me or helping best I can. Im just not as skilled a player as others. I am willing to helping you with skills or just company on the game.

I really feel that couples who play UO should take breaks from it for r/l things. Even King David takes time off from UO for r/l. Sometimes when we need him :P We all need too.

Please keep your accounts, if need help in keeping accounts financially PAS now has a bank that could possibly help.

Going to miss you both a lot. *Smiles & Hugs* take your break and come back to us. Drama and all. 8) I love Drama I call it rollplaying.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:50 pm
by Ghost
vacations are nice 8)

*sinks back into the shadows*

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:35 pm
by Shino
i, for one, am saddened by just the prospect of seeing the 2 of you go... I, myself, havent been able to do much in game recently due to Rl (god i cant wait till the holidays are over)

Crystal, i used to have your ICQ but when i had to get a new number i lost it (heck i just got damiens recently... god my contact list looks so empty) if either of you need anything (be it someone to chat with or help with something) if im home ill gladly help, especially if it involves keeping the 2 of you in game :)


P.S. heres my new ICQ number (380559746)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:49 am
by Shino
Besides, Damien, you still owe me for that 120 fencing... :P

PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:56 pm
by Damien Kilcannon
I found a 120 fencing in Luna today and was gonna grab it but they wanted 9 mil for it and I didn't have that much...sorry bro....

PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:49 pm
by Karn
Sell some of your stuff to make up the 9 mil and buy the scroll, or give 9 mil to him......

PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:10 pm
by Damien Kilcannon
Yup...that's what I planned on doing