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Reminder - scroll roll event tonight 10/3/18

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:12 am
by KDSonoma
Just a reminder that we have a scroll roll event tonight at Crafters at 9:15 cdt (Wednesday, October 3, 2018).

PAE (our pvpers) and other PAS do fel CS at various times through the month and collect 120 PS and Level 3 masteries that are donated to PAS members, who roll dice to see who gets to pick the scrolls at a scroll roll event in the first week of the next month.

This is an awesome way for PAS members to get those scrolls without having to go to fel. We do, however, ask folks to consider volunteering to help PAE and others when they go to fel to do these champ spawns.

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that helped get these scrolls in September 2018.

Cya there if you can make it tonight.


Re: Reminder - scroll roll event tonight 10/3/18

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:07 am
by Lord Drakelord
that was a pretty good turn out last night