Ill keep it Sweet

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Ill keep it Sweet

Postby utgo » Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:16 pm

Last night amidst all of the "fun", there was something that bothered me very much.

In vent people were cursing and using foul language. Normally i say something about this when it occurs, but i kept my mouth shut due to the circumstances.

Yet, I have come to decide that I CANNOT stand by and listen to fould language be spouted out. It is offensive to me, to my children who are in the other room and to my wife, and to all of my fellow Guild Mates. My wife accually started counting the curse words after 2 mins into the Harrower. she lost count at 50. I myself heard the "f" word many many times. I dont know the name of the person, but there was someone that was saying it over and over and over. If that was you, please find a diff word.

And yes i realize that i can put on head phones to keep it from my children and my wife, but that doesnt make it right. Did ANYONE realize that there was a 10yr old boy in vent playing with us? As PAS, it is our job to lead an example. WE ALL took on this responsibility in joining a guild that trys to teach people and help people to play the game. It's simple Phsycology. Someone Who is trying to learn to play the game is going to copy the people who have been playing for a long time. This is a sub concious thought. most people do it without ever thinking about it.

Also, it makes you sound uneducated to use foul language. I know no other way to say it but to put it that way. Sorry if it offends you. I am not saying that you are infact stupid if you curse, just that it makes you seem less inteligent.

So please, the next time you have an urg to curse, slap a bandaid on it please :x !!

Also, everyone else please, if you hear foul language please say something about it. A reminder never hurt everyone. :D

Thankyou for listening to me rant,
Utgo, The Genuine Article
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Postby kyra » Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:44 pm

If there's foul language in vent ... ANYone has the right to speak up. You don't have to be a leader .. or an elder. Speak up ... ask them to stop. Most time you'll see that it stops. If not, then KD or the elders should resolve the problem : )

Postby Damien Kilcannon » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:43 pm

Yes, if I had been there I would have said something...I will admit to the occasional slip but I usually correct myself and apologize pretty quickly...and it is not that hard to watch your mouth...I am one of the foulest mouthed people you will ever meet in real life but I still can manage for the most part to keep my language clean in front of my mother, in church, or in front of kids....

This does not mean that we need to pounce on the individual and say "Hey you, watch your mouth"(said with nasty tone)
We can be more diplomatic and just ask nicely to refrain from foul Kyra said if it does not improve then take the next step and say it more forcefully and I would say 99% of the time the person says "Sorry didn't realize I was cussing" and that is the end of it...but if we do get someone that tells you where to stick it then you of need to get ahold of KD ASAP...or the next best thing, an elder
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Postby Terrin » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:49 pm

you can also mute someone if you dont like what they are saying. just a thought
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Postby KDSonoma » Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:37 am

well Ill be honest, if u count the word "damnit", then 10 of those prob came from me ... and Ill try to change a 2 letters in that to dangit in the future.

I did say a bad word tonight in vent, and Im sorry for that (I called those 2 lamers that were saying pro zog things in alliance A-holes).

And yes, we all need to be careful of what we say .... but Ill also point this out .. I will not let the PAS vent get so "politically correct" that people stop using it out of fear of offending another person. What I let my kids listen to is likely vastly different from what others listen to.

But in the "politically correct" world I refer to that gets out of hand the other way, no one can say any word that offends even one person, and thats not fair.

So yes, its been slightly more out of line lately, and it got out of control during the harrower, because thats the first time we ever did that event, and it frustrated a lot of us. No excuse for the cuss words or slight cuss words, they need to be gone as much as possible.

Certain words, easy to figure, F words, A-word and some others are pretty straight forward. But lets keep this topic centered a bit too .... if anyones offended for example by me saying dangit .... well then in my view thats being too politically correct, and they need to talk to me about that (in icq).

I hope everyone realizes this means I support this, and am guilty of some infractions myself, but PAS is the PEOPLES army, and we dont stray too far from the center in any topics, far left and far right are equally "wrong" in my view.

If that offends anyone that wants to put a strict censorship on the PAS vent, they need to come talk to me about this asap (in icq) so we can be clear on where I stand.

So lets all watch what we say, gently remind anyone of violations ... just say "language" ... and everyone will know whats meant .... but dont get ugly in telling someone on vent about their language, and dont get ugly trying to defend your own language .... just take it for what its worth, a gentle reminder to be careful (done in a respectful way).

Then everyone will be happy!

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Postby utgo » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:09 pm

Thank you KD, That is exactly how i feel about it. I dont mind the smaller words like: Hell, Damn-it, Crap ect...

It's just the bigger ones that I have a Problem with. the "f","B","s",ect. I mean i dont care if u change the word slightly. Freaking is alot better than its counter part.
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Postby Rex » Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:11 pm

I cuss a lot during PvP, so I try not to key my mic when that happens. I apologize in advance, I do my best to keep it clean.
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