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ALERT: 3D Client Going Away

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:19 am
by Tracy
The 3D client will no longer be usable on the live servers as of the client patch that is projected to go live on April 2nd. After that patch, the only clients that you will be able to log in with are the 2D client and, if you're a beta tester, the KR client on certain servers.

We apologize for the suddenness of this announcement - there are technical requirements we need to meet in order to continue with the KR beta testing process, and unfortunately meeting those requirements meant making changes now that the 3D client is not getting. We hope to be able to present our 3D players with the much improved Kingdom Reborn client as soon as possible after this change.

So if you play 3d, you might wanna go ahead and switch over to 2d now and set up your macros, etc.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:32 pm
by Centibite
Yeah yeah I know


PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:36 pm
by AshOfCaine
Yeah, I got started yesterday on my complaining.

I play both, so I can make the transition, but hate not having choices. The main thing I will miss from 3D is the pack views, I like actually being able to see what's in a container.

I had thought that macros worked in 2d and 3d.

At any rate, yeah I plan on spending the weekend re-setting up all of my characters for 2D.

Truth be told I need to re-do all my macros anyway, so no big deal.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:51 pm
by Rex
LOL, people use 3D?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:07 pm
by Irwin Hunter
3d rocks... Of course we use it. Your computer just needs to be able to take it.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:22 am
by AshOfCaine
Ok, I was wrong about macros working in 2d and 3d. Luckily they stored in a text file, so easy fix. I need to re-do the key mappings to all my macros, but get distracted with the urge to hunt and kill. :evil:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:08 pm
by Tracy
My computer can handle it...and then some.

When I first put together my computer I tried to kill it by overloading either the processor or the memory just to see which one gave out first. It was the processor by the way, and it took 74 separate instances of Adobe Photoshop CS 2.0 to kill it.

With 4 gigs of ram, an AMD Athlon X2 64 4400+ processor overclocked to 5000, a terabyte of hard disk space, and all the 'fixins', I'm pretty sure my computer can handle any gaming software thrown at it.

3D client has never appealed to me. I tried it and didn't like it. No, it wasn't laggy. It was ugly.