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EasyUO Legal now??? Approved by EA??

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:22 am
by utgo
This Post is on the Main page at
It goes as follows:

Official Press Release - Apr 1st, 2007 by CEO Sat, Mar 31st, 2007

EA to add EasyUO to their 3rd party approved application list!

After a long and sometimes heated discussion, the powers at EA have finally decided with the release of their new 3D client that EasyUO will be allowed on the 2D client!

Wilki, EA's community support person, said "This is great for our users. We've long realized the 2D client had its shortcomings. Expecting someone to click 100,000+ times to be a GM at anything was a burden not only on our regular users, but especially those that are impaired or handicapped. EasyUO fills that gap nicely."

Cheffe, the developer of EasyUO, was quick to respond "I've worked on this application for years. The EUO community of over 40,000 users can finally 'come out' and not be afraid of GMs!"

Not to be out done, a Stractic's Moderator (who wished to remain unnamed) confessed "I and every Stractic's Moderator I know have used EasyUO for many years; it'll be a great addition to the game. A "Macro" forum will shortly be added to our UO community. We expect it to be very active and clearly over 85% of our members that start "it's illegal" threads can finally move on and complain about something else!"

The Staff here at EasyUO wish to thank all those that have stuck with us over the years. It's a good day for the EasyUO community!

RUH OH!!! Could this be 100% True. Doesn't sound False.
And it might make things very very interesting for the future. Although i Seriously doubt this makes unattending your "script" is legal by any means.

thought everyone should see this.

Utgo, The Genuine Article

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:29 am
by mrnvisible
Look at the date on that announcement and remember not to believe everything you hear.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:24 am
by Lara
Haha you were downloading it already, eh Utgo? Im not accusing you of using it, before you think that, I know you arrent cause I seen you PVP! :P

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:38 am
by AshOfCaine
I think they posted the same thing a few years ago for April 1st.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:04 pm
by Tracy
It's an april fool's thing. If it were true, you'd see it on UO Stratics and as well.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:28 pm
by Darsus
wow what a good April fools joke, ya ezuo is legal

next day, banned, would be funny......LOL

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:14 pm
by utgo
Not that I feel there is a necissity to explain myself, I wil anyways. Just to avoid rumors :).

Last Night I Went Red and took 3 more afterwards. Atlthough that is my own stupidity, And my Punishment should be to work it off In game by playing. I decided that I dont want to do it again. I have worked my self blue many times b4 and i dont want to do it again. so I went in serch of alternative methods. and I saw that. Never thought about it being april fools though. lol.

Either way, turns out i can just afk at the gate. as long as people are coming in and out. Great news for me i suppose. just means no uo for over a week lol.

I feel dumb for beleiving that.
Utgo, the Genuine Article

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:19 pm
by kyra
It's okay utgo .. we still luv ya : )