7 Dungeons, 7 Days of excitement ~ the Tour of the Dungeons

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7 Dungeons, 7 Days of excitement ~ the Tour of the Dungeons

Postby Queen Mum » Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:04 am

Join us for seven nights as once again the original seven dungeons (Brit/Tram) will be throughly cleansed of all denizens as the citizens gather together for a bit of fun and mayhem.

All tours will begin outside of Tram Moonglow's front (south) gate entrance.
All tours start promptly at 5:30pm Pacific, 6:30pm Mountain, 7:30 Central, 8:30 Eastern.
Gates will be offered from Luna bank starting at 5:00pm Pacific to the Moonglow meeting site.
Please come prepared with bandages, regs or LRC suits, pet/people food, patience and plan for a good ol' fun time.

Tour of Dungeons Schedule:
Day -- Date -- Time -- Dungeon
Monday ------ 2/4/08 -- 5:30 PST -- Despise
Tuesday ----- 2/5/08 -- 5:30 PST -- Deceit
Wednesday -- 2/6/08 -- 5:30 PST -- Covetous
Thursday ---- 2/7/08 -- 5:30 PST -- Wrong
Friday ------- 2/8/08 -- 5:30 PST -- Shame
Saturday ---- 2/9/08 -- 5:30 PST -- Destard
Sunday ----- 2/10/08 -- 5:30 PST -- Hythloth

The reason we are going to these dungeons instead of the newer ones is very simple: The original purpose of the tour was to get people back into the 7 main Britannian Dungeons. Remember, it's not about the loot or the monsters... it's about the fun of clearing out a dungeon as a group. In the future, there may be other tours planned that will go to other sets of dungeons.

If you are interested in attending to help rez, heal, be a guide assistant or have any questions or suggestions please post here or in the special Tour of Dungeons forum.

Most of the events will be broadcasted LIVE on Whispering Rose Radio during the tours.

We are delighted to help bring the Tour of Dungeons back to the Ultima Online communtity by participating in this all-shards event!

Thanks go to Gentle Dragon of Napa Valley for reviving the tour and Whispering Rose Radio for their sponsorship.
Last edited by Queen Mum on Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Big Bertha » Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:33 am

Thank-you Queen Mum for taking an Idea I mentioned in vent and bringing it to fulfillment for a full week in February. Attending a Dungeon Crawl will be exciting and rewarding to old and new uo players. Count on me to be there.
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Mondays Dungeon Tour (Feb 4th)

Postby Queen Mum » Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:59 pm

From UO Herald Information ... Despise

Located northwest of the city of Britain, Dungeon Despise houses a strange collection of some of the humanoid races of Sosaria. The upper level is thick with Lizardmen, while the lower levels hold Ettins, Trolls, Ogres and the hard headed Ogre Lords. A few travelers have also reported seeing Elementals made of acid roaming the depths of this dungeon as well.
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Postby Queen Mum » Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:46 pm

*little bump*

Join us TONIGHT (Mon. 2/4) as we kick off the 'Tour of Dungeons' revival week on Sonoma. Tonights Tour starts at 5:30pm Pacific, (6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Cental, 8:30 Eastern).

Meet outside of Moonglow (TRAM) south gate (near bank) to be gated to Despise (Tram) where we will battle against such evil beings like ... Lizardmen - Earth Elementals - Ettins - Acid Elementals - Trolls - Cyclopian Warriors - Ogres - Ogre Lords - Titans!

Healers & Rezzers representing many Sonoma guilds will be on hand to help everyone participating. Gates will also be provided to the Moonglow meetup area from Luna bank starting 15 minutes prior to beginning the dungeon tour ...

*cosponsored by Whispering Rose Radio (wrrad.com) ... which will be broadcasting live some of the tours.
*A Cookie A Day Keeps The Blues Away*
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~ Day 2 ~

Postby Queen Mum » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:36 pm

Join us TONIGHT (Tues. 2/5) for more fun and excitement as we continue the 'Tour of Dungeons' revival starting at 5:30pm Pacific, (6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Cental, 8:30 Eastern).

Meet outside of Moonglow (Trammel) south gate - near bank - to be gated to Deceit Dungeon (T). Healers & Rezzers will be on hand to help everyone participating. Gates will also be provided to the Moonglow meetup area from Luna bank about 15 minutes prior to starting tonights dungeon tour ...

*cosponsored by Whispering Rose Radio(www.wrrad.com) ... which will be broadcasting live some of the tours :)

From UO Herald Information Playguide - Britannian Dungeons
*updated January 26, 2008


Set in the center of an arctic isle north of Moonglow lies the entrance to the Dungeon Deceit. A place of appalling evil, Dungeon Deceit is occupied by all manner of undead creatures. Adventurers would be well suited in bringing a strong silver weapon if they dare to dive the depths of this foul place. A warning to travelers: do not touch the magic brazier on the first level.

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~ Day 3 ~

Postby Queen Mum » Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:30 pm

Join us TONIGHT (Wed. 2/6) for more fun and excitement as we continue the 'Tour of Dungeons' revival starting at 5:30pm Pacific, (6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Cental, 8:30 Eastern).

Meet outside of Moonglow (Trammel) south gate - near bank - to be gated to Covetous Dungeon (T). Healers & Rezzers will be on hand to help everyone participating.

Gates will also be provided to the Moonglow meetup area from Luna bank about 15 minutes prior to starting tonights dungeon tour ...

*cosponsored by Whispering Rose Radio (www.wrrad.com) ... which will be broadcasting live tonights Tour of Dungeon COVETOUS.

From UO Herald Information Playguide - Britannian Dungeons
*updated January 26, 2008


A short distance northwest from Vesper and southwest of Minoc lies the den of greed known as Dungeon Covetous. Originally the mine that fed Minoc with a great deal of ore, it is now a fetid lair of undead. Perhaps miners should not have tread into the lower levels and unleashed the evil that now haunts the passageways therein. The bottom level of Dungeon Covetous houses Dragons and their ilk. Only the strong willed and brave of heart dare venture that deep. All travelers should watch their step for Covetous is known to have many traps in the form of flame spouts.

*A Cookie A Day Keeps The Blues Away*
Queen Mum
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~ Day 4 ~

Postby Queen Mum » Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:28 pm

Join us TONIGHT (Thur. 2/7) for more fun and excitement as we continue the 'Tour of Dungeons' revival starting at 5:30pm Pacific, (6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Cental, 8:30 Eastern).

Meet outside of Moonglow (Trammel) south gate - near bank - to be gated to WRONG Dungeon (T). Healers & Rezzers will be on hand to help everyone participating. Gates will also be provided to the Moonglow meetup area from Luna bank about 15 minutes prior to starting tonights dungeon tour ...
*cosponsored by Whispering Rose Radio (www.wrrad.com) ... which will be broadcasting live some of the tours.
From UO Herald Information Playguide - Britannian Dungeons
*updated January 26, 2008


Set back in the mountains far east of the city of Yew is the Dungeon Wrong. In the day of old it was a prison meant to house the direst criminals. Now it houses brigands and a large number of insane mages. Also you will find the Executioner here. Avoid him at all costs.

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~ Day 5 ~

Postby Queen Mum » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:49 pm

Join us TONIGHT (Fri. 2/8) for more fun and excitement as we continue the 'Tour of Dungeons' starting at 5:30pm Pacific, (6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Cental, 8:30 Eastern).

Meet outside of Moonglow (Trammel) south gate - near bank - to be gated to SHAME Dungeon (T), The Elemental Playground! Healers & Rezzers will be on hand to help everyone participating. Gates will also be provided to the Moonglow meetup area from Luna bank about 15 minutes prior to starting tonights dungeon tour ...
*cosponsored by Whispering Rose Radio (www.wrrad.com) ... which will be broadcasting live tonights Tour of Dungeon Shame.
From UO Herald Information Playguide - Britannian Dungeons
*updated January 26, 2008


North of the Skara Brae mainland docks and southwest of the city of Yew lies the training ground for Trinsic’s finest paladins. The Dungeon Shame, to its deepest reaches, is filled with nearly every type of elemental being found in Sosaria. Magnificent beasts such as the Kraken also dwell with in. A wicked fate befalls the adventurer who journeys deep to the two towers in the lower levels that house vile mages who seem to have gone completely insane.

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~ Day 6 ~

Postby Queen Mum » Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:39 pm

Join us TONIGHT (Sat. 2/9) for more fun and excitement as we continue the 'Tour of Dungeons' revival starting at 5:30pm Pacific, (6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Cental, 8:30 Eastern).

Meet outside of Moonglow (Trammel) south gate - near bank - to be gated to DESTARD Dungeon (T). Healers & Rezzers will be on hand to help everyone participating. Gates will also be provided from Luna bank about 15 minutes prior to starting tonights dungeon tour ...
*cosponsored by Whispering Rose Radio (www.wrrad.com) ... which will be broadcasting tonights Tour of Dungeon DESTARD.
From UO Herald Information Playguide - Britannian Dungeons
*updated January 26, 2008


“Dragons den” sums up Dungeon Destard in two short, but concise, words. The main, and largest level is a cave of titanic proportions that houses many dragons, drakes and wyverns. A notable attraction to this level is at the northwest. There you will find an ankh that, like the Virtue Shrines, has the power to resurrect you should you fall victim to the dragons and their ilk. The second level holds more dragons, and a crazed mage who wanders the area with a few demons. The lowest level of Destard is the lair of the Ancient Wyrm. Any who dare to fight this beast are either brave of heart, or completely mad.

Queen Mum
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~ Day 7 ~

Postby Queen Mum » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:47 am

Join us TONIGHT (Sun. 2/10) for more fun and excitement as we continue the 'Tour of Dungeons' revival starting at 5:30pm Pacific, (6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Cental, 8:30 Eastern).

Meet outside of Moonglow (Trammel) south gate - near bank - to be gated to HYTHLOTH Dungeon (T). Healers & Rezzers will be on hand to help everyone participating. Gates will also be provided from Luna bank about 15 minutes prior to starting tonights dungeon tour ...
*cosponsored by Whispering Rose Radio (www.wrrad.com) ...
From UO Herald Information Playguide - Britannian Dungeons
*updated January 26, 2008


Far out in the sea east of Britain sits the Isle of Fire, and upon it, the Dungeon Hythloth. Many consider this the most wretched place in all the lands. Every stone in the depths of Dungeon Hythloth is foul and corrupted with pure evil. The denizens of this vile hole include Imps, Gargoyles, Hell hounds, Demons and the foulest of foul creatures know as Balrons: The Slayer, Lord of the Abyss, and the Collector of Souls. Many have ventured to Hythloth. Few have ever returned.

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