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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:43 pm
by Lord Drakelord
Any one got a email address or phone number for these folks where we can contact them to demand they quit charging our CC for an account we closed over 4 yrs ago? The web site does not have a email address that we can use to contact the owners to make sure they quit charging the CC we used and we have to go thru our CC company to get the charge removed.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:42 pm
by KDSonoma
ask your CC company to change the acct number of that CC. They should be able to do that and issue you a new number, and move the info across.

That way the lamers will bill a CC that doesnt exist. Just be sure to move your recurring charges (like UO accts) to another CC till they get u set up with the new number.

We had someone in France (yes, Tiger, France) try to use our CC # and thats what we did. I had my UO accts there, moved them all to another CC for a week or so, now will change them back to the old CC with the new #.

That worked for us anyways, hopefully your CC company will do the same.