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Moonglow, Rift gone, replaced with lighting strikes

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:29 pm
by Lord Drakelord
If you go to Moonglow and if you are standing in the bottom of the pit where the lighting is hitting all around you, you may fine yourself transported to a chamber in the void and sitting across from you will be Andrew, who will ask you a question.

The question is related to joining the shadowlords or not, if you do not accept it you are toss from the chamber back to Glow, where you will then die, no amount of healing will stop it. [No gold is lost] Once you are dead then get a res and claim your property.

If you accept and say yes, you will be given a glass dagger, you are instructed to hide it save it for the day it will be needed. Now there is nothing fancy about the dagger except it says glass dagger, other then that it like any other dagger, and can be locked down at home. Then you are removed from the chamber thus making room for another person who is waiting to enter.

I took my Black Smith [Lord BlackStone], now I work very hard to keep his title, and hate to see him die any time. So when Andrew ask me to join I accepted and got the dagger as a gift. I locked the dagger down on the roof top of THB tower in the blue box next to the Practice weapons display.