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Spellweaving and Pub 54

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:37 pm
by AshOfCaine
Saw this line in the notes:

Arcane Foci can no longer be created by a single spellweaver

So went on to test shard and confirmed my bad thoughts, this 'bug fix' makes it so you need caster + 5 people to get a level 5 focus, so 6 characters in all. So be ready when publish comes out looks like will need to recruit one more weaver than normal to get same level focus. Just created a focus with 2 weavers and got a level 1.

Also saw this note:

New Haven escorts no longer give Compassion points

Which wasn't happy about as my pally does compassion runs in New Haven (the prisoner escorts from brigands) since doesn't have ability to gate. I think if it is to be harder for those without gate, then more compassion should be awarded if don't go through a player made gate, just the normal moongates. Now back to having to have someone gate me to do compassion runs if I want to raise compassion on my pally.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:55 am
by Lord Drakelord
Still the hag quest is going to get alot of attention, the PAC and THB tower has runes to do this quest and the maps are lock down in PAC [3rd floor] and THB [roof top]

Hag Quest

Moonfire Brew
Grizelda’s Hangover Cure

Ya I saw that about the spell weaver, sucks as the one we have is barely above 60 so is no good for the ones you all do at PAC, and it not my charactor so I don't train it, only borrow it when I feel I need a edge.