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dont forget the paragons!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:23 am
by woodymm3
just to let you guys know the cloak and ticket, along with all the ingredients arent all you can get from mellissa. dont forget that para balrons give 10% chance of a marti. the other night within one hour i got a pixie swatter, heart of lion, and nox rangers crossbow. so just a heads up make sure you get a couple whacks in for the paras cause for one of those i think i was dead and someone rezed me just in time for me to do one flamestrike and whamo instant marti.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:35 am
by AshOfCaine
Then the lesson learned the hard way, don't forget to insure the ones you want to keep. Just got gloves of pugilist, which made me happy, but went on fighting. Balron jumped me and the world went dark, then the nice people down there ignored my ghost, and my dragon, when he died as well they were sorry they didn't rez me though. Luckily someone that seen there a lot came back in and rez'ed me but not before gotten looted by a balron, then someone else looted it from him. :(

So, I packed in for the night laughing at the fact the people left didn't even know how to summon Melissa and even if they did there wasn't any other tamers there to tank for them.

But yeah, to the original post topic, got several pixie swatters, burglar's bandana, violet courage and an enchanted titan leg. Still no crimson from Melissa though.. :evil:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:51 am
by woodymm3
last night i got a few more items from the paras.... but the best thing so far is i got a crimson last night. was really not expecting much loot cause i didnt think i did that much damage but there it was in my loot box. later i got a helm of swiftness or whatever from her as well. guess a mage can do well down there.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:04 pm
by AshOfCaine
Yeah there are plenty of chars that can out damage the greater dragons, but still need one of the them to tank her. I was there last night when a group of us managed to finish her off without a GD but it was not easy and far from fun. Then a paragon balron spawned and it was even less pretty, that is when I went to get my dragon.

I did notice again the paragon and Melissa were exchanging blows. But people kept running and causing the paragon to target switch, but Melissa stayed hitting the paragon till it died.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:51 pm
by woodymm3
i really doubt that i outdamaged the greaters. i think i just got lucky. but i am still learning the template i am working with as well. if i ever get it finalized i think i can beat em but guess we will see in a few weeks when i do finish my temp. will be a mage necro spellweaver

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:31 pm
by AshOfCaine
woodymm3 wrote:i really doubt that i outdamaged the greaters. i think i just got lucky. but i am still learning the template i am working with as well. if i ever get it finalized i think i can beat em but guess we will see in a few weeks when i do finish my temp. will be a mage necro spellweaver

I wanted to fit spellweaving on my necro mage, but only have about 60 pts to spare right now so put them in focus as a place holder. Was contemplating lowering med to fit spellweaving since the necro has so many different ways to increase mana regen.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:54 am
by woodymm3
just get you some kewl items with magery or necro and ss on them to help you get it up there then you can spare points on other things.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:15 pm
by Shino
as a pvm necromage i dont generally find med to be too nbig of a deal since you leech with wraith form