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The Perfect Union of Lady Soshana & Lord Reddogg ....

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:32 pm
by Queen Mum
It was a classic summer's day full of heartfelt emotion among close friends and family ...


There are few things in the world more beautiful than a good wedding. Nothing brings tears to the eyes faster than hearing the words that joins two lives into one forever. Nothing is more heartwarming than to hear a man and woman pledge their undying devotion to one another.

Such was the case at the wedding of Lady Soshana and Lord Reddogg.

The wedding was held in the Caerleton Chapel of Love. Attendees included Bestman Lord Kronos, Matron of Honor Lady Rockstarr, Lord Thorin as Ringbearer, and Lord Pup Barleycorn presented the bride. The Bridesmaids were Lady Ariel Joy, Lady Ciara, and Lady Wild Flower. Groomsmen were King David, Lord Tarie, and Lord Tiger.


As the wedding guests arrived they were greeted by Ariel Joy and were seated in their proper places.


“Your Attention, everyone.” the Clerics voice called from the chapel, “The Bride has just arrived.”

“Please take your seats, for the wedding shall shortly begin.”


The wedding party took their places as the harp music written and performed by Temptress started to fill the room.

Everyone turned to the back of the room, and there she was.


Soshana began slowly walking down the carpet. As Reddogg looked on, he couldn't even blink his eyes.

She looked so incredibly beautiful

Ever so gently Reddogg took her hand, “Oh, My Beautiful Bride.”


Soshana blushed, with tears flowing down her cheeks, “I'm ready Reddogg, let's do this.” She cried.

Reddogg nodded. The last of the music died out, and the Cleric began.

"Welcome all ye Citizens of Britannia, who have gathered among us today to witness the most joyous of occasions, the Holy joining of Lord Reddogg to Lady Soshana in this blessed union."

"Who doth give Lady Soshana to be married to Lord Reddogg?"


Lord Pup Barleycorn gleaming with pride proclaimed "her family and I do."

The Cleric nodded and continued ...

"We struggle hard, Citizens of Britannia and of the whole of Sosaria. We seek adventure, truth, justice, wealth and fame ... but much deeper within, we seek companionship. An aid in our journeys and a new begining of our lives within this world. Thus it is a special moment, one worthy of celebration, when two of our brethern, wish to become one under the Holy Covenant of Marriage. No warrior throughout the land nor Mage of the highest circles is as powerful or as wise, as those who have found the truest of all forces ... that of love. For it is within the virtue of Love that compassion, honor and spirituality are known. And for finding that love, my friends, are thou truly blessed."

Looking at Soshana, the Cleric asked, “Lady Soshana, Are thou ready to begin this journey of Marriage?”


Soshana blinked back tears of joy. "I am," she answered.

The Cleric smiled and extended her arm to Reddogg. "Lord Reddogg?”


"I am," Reddogg said, looking upon his bride with tenderness and love.

"Thou both hast spoken aye... let us begin."

"Reddogg, please look into Soshana's eyes and repeat after me..."

Lord Reddogg declared


"As we join together as one soul ... Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so ... Thy beliefs will become my beliefs ... And thy people will become family to me ... I will honor thee and love thee ... My spoken word is my bond to thine heart ... If thou were to die, my heart would die as well ... Until leaving this world in death, will we be as one."


"Lady Soshana repeat after me thy vows..."

Lady Soshana declared...


"As you have offered your heart and soul to me ,,, So too, do I offer unto you all that is me ... My heart and soul shall be yours ... With open arms, I shall welcome thy people as family ... I will honor thee and love thee ... I shall journey by thy side and never be far from thee ... Your comfort and sanctuary I shall be ... Until leaving this world in death, will we be as one."


The Cleric smiled, and then proceeded with the I Do's...

"Lord Reddogg, dost thou take Lady Soshana to be your wife, to have and to hold in love, honor and tenderness? Dost thou promise to love, cherish, and honor her, as long as you both shall live, according to this Holy union and the sacred covenant of marriage?"

"I DO" he firmly stated.

"Lady Soshana, dost thou take Lord Reddogg to be your husband, to have and to hold in love, honor and tenderness? Dost thou promise to love, cherish and honor him, as long as you both shall live, according to this Holy union and the sacred covenant of marriage?"

"I DO" she said, with joy filling her smiling face.

“At this time, we now come to the ring ceremony." the Cleric began.

Lord Reddogg, what symbol of thy love and commitment dost thou bring?

"A ring", proclaimed Reddogg.

Lady Soshana, what symbol of thy love and commitment dost thou bring?

"A ring", answered Lady Soshana.

Steping forward Lord Thorin, the trusted one of the rings, reached into his pocket with a small wink at Lord Reddogg and Lady Soshana held out the rings and passed them to the couple.


After a salute to Reddogg and a bow to Soshana the ring bearer stepped back to listen to the ring vows spoken by the couple ...

"This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee".

The Cleric proceeded with *wrapping the ancient Unity cloth around the couples hands* and spoke to Reddogg and Soshana ...

"The Citizens have now heard thy vows to each other and have witnessed your testimony before the rulers of Sosaria of the this most Holy Union, that which is of Heart and Soul."

"Let no one put assunder thy vows. Go forth, reveal in the power of being a couple, trust and rely upon each other, and let nothing part thee."

Then with the *unwrapping of the ancient Unity cloth from the couples hands* the Cleric stated ...

By the powers committed to me and by the laws of Britannia... I now declare that Lord Reddogg and Lady Soshana have joined as one, as husband and wife.

Lord Reddogg, you may now kiss your bride!"

Beaming, Reddogg lifted Soshanas veil over her head and kissed her...

People immediately started clapping and standing up, fireworks were flying in the air and joyful tears poured down the faces of many...


When they separated, the Cleric had a few more words to say. “Citizens and friends, We have now witnessed the wedding between Lord Reddogg and Lady Soshana. May we all save for the rest of our life the memory of this sacred day. On behalf of the new couple, we wish to thank you all for being present at this wedding and we wish everybody a long and peaceful life.

The couple then welcomed everyone to join them in celebration and merriment at the Receptional Hall located on the Karn PAS roof in Luna.




The wedding was beautiful and went just as expected .... just like the couple .... PERFECT!!


Click here to hear the Ceremony as recorded by Pastor Matthew and broadcasted on Whispering Rose Radio