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Internet Radio

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:49 am
by Masochism
I have a friend who started an internet radio station. It's based out of Palm Beach County, Florida, and he calls it Delraydio. it's a play on words, cause he lives in Delray Beach, get it?

Now here's the cool part. He was bored one night and made a character in-game and named it delraydio. He ran around Luna shouting "" at like 3 or 4 in the morning. Eventually a couple of people let their curiosity get the better of them, and they checked out the site. So they started chatting it up, and they asked if he took requests, which he did since he was bored out of his mind as well. It was pretty neatO, but not at all significant.

The company through which he is hosted and to whom he pays his royalties is called LIVE 365. The cool thing is that when you are hosted by this company, you can check to see how many listeners you have at any given time, and where they are tuning in from. A cool benefit over terrestrial radio, if you ask me. Well, it turns out that the night he picked up these new listeners in-game, he had people tuning in from more than a couple of other countries. It completely blew his mind. What turned out as a silly act, ended up to be an epiphany for him. He totally forgot that UO has players from all over the world! So what was once a silly little idea of his (the radio station) is now a highly rated internet semi-sensation, and he has pulled listeners from the likes of Switzerland, Turkey, France, UK, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Germany and Malaysia.

Anywho, those of you who know me, know how silly my personality is. Turns out, I am going to have my own show on Delraydio soon, just as soon as I come up with a show outline that I believe to be far out enough to blow a few minds.

If any of you want to, you can check out the show by going to If you have ITunes, you can follow the instructions below. Thanks for reading my post, please hit me up with some feedback. I would love to hear from ya.


ITunes instructions:

Open up your ITunes

At the top, click on <b>"Advanced"</b> then select <b>"Open Stream"</b>

When the text box appears, copy and paste the following into the blank area: ... a&from=pls

Then click <b>OK</b>, and enjoy

Thank you, and have a nice day.