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Seattle Townhall

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:42 pm
by AshOfCaine
Listening to the broadcast there are lots of information they releasing that makes me sit up and go wow..

In the discussion dealing with lots of information about Stygian Abyss, they revealed what information they have on the gargoyles and information on 3 new skills. One new magery type skill (mysticism), one weapon type skill (throwing) and one crafting (imbuing).

I didn't hear much on the mysticism, but the imbuing sounds very interesting. Something about being able to 'unravel' magic items and use the properties stripped from one item to imbue another. Not much information on how far it will extend, meaning if all properties will be able to be stripped and applied elsewhere. I would imagine it would be like enhancement in that it will have a high chance of breaking the items. The power of such an ability makes me drool and cringe as the items would be too powerful if the imbuing isn't limited or at least highly costly.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:45 pm
by wild flower
Sounds like the arms lore may become more handy.