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Log in problems

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:38 am
by Taylanna
*Shakes head in annoyance*
Okay well... I've been trying to log on for two days now
I usually log on just to check the fish tank in the house
and do some looking around.
Well these passed few days
I've been getting a connection error.
"Couldn't connect to Ultima Online. Please try again in a few minutes."
Well I've tried for an hour, then another 15 minutes...
KD told me he had the same problem but his only lasted around about 7 minutes.
For some reason my computer wants to be playing hateful...
if anyone knows how this problem could possibly be helped please let me know.
Thanks a bunch!!!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:42 am
by Lord Drakelord
are you patching? Also have you look to see if maybe your firewall protection maybe blocking you? Did you check with uo trace as well?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:10 pm
by Taylanna
I should have the latest patch.
My firewall has it under the "exception" list
and Uo trace?


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:45 pm
by KDSonoma
this was a major frustration for me this entire weekend. I would wager it failed about 2/3 of the time that I tried to login. If it failed, I would read the forums or do something else for 3-4 min, try again, most times it took 7 min or so to work.

Sometimes I got so frustrated that I waited an hr or more before it would let me in, but I didnt try it consistently during that whole time.

And yes, when it failed it would fail with the same reply in 2d and kr, so it wasnt a client issue for me.

I think they still have major login server problems and arent admitting it yet. Maybe its restricted to certain routers? *shrugs*

But I say keep trying Red, dont give up on it.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:52 pm
by Taylanna
hehe I haven't given up :]
I'm playing with my senior project research
pressing the login button
re setting firewall stuff
closing client re booting.
I'm going to win!!! :twisted:
*looks around for something to pet evilly*
I will win :]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:15 pm
by Sir William
worst case....and I hate to even suggest it.....but you could try to reinstall :?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:14 am
by Taylanna
The sad part is,
I tried that :(

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:41 am
by Brianna
okay so what you do is call 1-866-543-5435 and tell them that your unable to log in and is been happening for many days and just being really nice but really pushy they will start checking into it and then tell you they are having server problems most likely or that they cant help you at all but the only way they will even know your having a problem is if you call and complain

oh yeah when it ask why your calling push 0 forever and get to a real person

love bri

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:02 pm
by Taylanna
*grabs phone of death*
Wish me luck :]

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:23 pm
by Taylanna
Well to start off...
I called the place, I pressed a bunch of buttons
(getting rather confused in the process)
*remember I'm simple minded*
So i got connected to this Creig person,
I waited for two minutes,
He asked silly questions, then asked my problem.
Poor guy listened to me complain then says
"Well Ma'am you have called the wrong department,
I can connect you to someone who can help you out
If you'd like." I smiled and tried not to be mean and simply replied.
"yes Please, thank you so much." He was kind and informed me
to have a good night and hope my problem will get fixed.
So he puts me off into a hold place and I listen to this
very unpopular music I have never heard of in my life!
So I wait... and I'm waiting a long time... and... I'm still waiting...
listening to this stupid music...
I mean if it was music I could actually sing to...
it wouldn't be so0o bad... right?
Well, I'm still waiting right? And this music is still playing..
so I take my hamsters out and play with them,
and they listen to the stupid music with me and
they don't like it too much like me.
Well about an hour of waiting this guy picks up!
I again explain the problem and he chuckles a couple times.
Asks what the problem is blah blah.
I inform him if he wants to talk computer geek to me
he has to dumb it down because I'm only a high school student
(didn't give away any birth age and I used my mom's maiden name!)
So I got UOtrace from and...
it got me nowhere...
We played with it, I kept connecting to Humility or Compassion sever
and... nothing is happening... it's saying DNS isn't hooking up proper
(basically) so0o0o Jon advised me to try to hook up my computer
to the modem that is downstairs (with a wire since I am on a
wireless connection atm)
he further explained that it could possibly be my connection
(don't understand this hasn't given me a problem since I moved down,
even on death lag I was still playing)
But hopefully I will try those guidelines,
he gave me a number to contact him again
I'm supposed to contact him in about 3 days to see how far I have gotten
if I haven't gotten far, I don't know what's going to happen...
*sighs* Hopefully I can play soon!!!
I miss you all!!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:14 am
by Lord Drakelord
Today I received updates from windows and when I downloaded and restarted I was blocked on my UOA and UO patch, turning off the firewalls did nothing I was still blocked as was my internet exp, I could not read the forums here at all.

I went into the control panel and look at the last updates I got today and saw one for security and remove it, [clicking on the uninstall] and now I am able to patch and also read the forums.

So check your last updates and look to see if there was a security update for windows, this is for Vista by the way not XP.

This is what I saw after I updated;



After removing that windows Security update that I got today I can now read the forums and also play the game.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:58 pm
by Taylanna
Okay I'll try that!
Thank you!!
*hope it works!*