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What am I missing?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:20 am
by AshOfCaine
Still been working insane hours and haven't logged in forever.

Just wondering if there are any 'gotta have' items from this invasion that I need to try and make some time to get in and grab up? Working 12 hours a day 7 days a week is making it hard to find the time to get in game though. So if it just deco or border line useless arties then I am not going to worry about it till the rush season ends sometime in January from what I am told.

But if it is items that are on par with Tokuno event then I will have to make some time as I am still sore that I missed out on those items.

Ash was here (briefly)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:01 am
by Darkstar
Well if you going to the graveyards off the Skeletal Lich you can
Conjouer's Trinket {Talisman}
undead Slayer
str bonus 1
hpr 2
hci 10%
di 20 %

Conjouer's Grimoire {spell book}
Undead Slayer
magery +15
int bonus 8
sdi 15%
lmc 10%

Off some of the invaded town you can get

mr 3
sdi 29%
lrc 10%
these will vary

This is what I like the best
I have an Ex undead spellbook if you would like it

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:36 am
by AshOfCaine
Darkstar wrote:Well if you going to the graveyards off the Skeletal Lich you can
Conjouer's Trinket {Talisman}
undead Slayer
str bonus 1
hpr 2
hci 10%
di 20 %

Conjouer's Grimoire {spell book}
Undead Slayer
magery +15
int bonus 8
sdi 15%
lmc 10%

Off some of the invaded town you can get

mr 3
sdi 29%
lrc 10%
these will vary

This is what I like the best
I have an Ex undead spellbook if you would like it

Not too bad, and sure if you have an extra that would be great.. Then it just becomes a matter of finding time to log in and get with you.. Running late for work now so got to run, hoping it going to be a light day and only work 8-10 hours.. lol If so might actually do a little playing tonight since I caught up on my house work yesterday on my lite 8 hour day. :)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:07 am
by AshOfCaine
Thanks again Darkstar for the book and talisman.. I was glad to get back in game even if just for a couple hours but don't know when will make time again.. Hoping to start making it in once a week or so now that I got work running somewhat smoothly (till boss puts his hand in the works again).

Took me fifteen minutes to remember somewhat how to play my archer, but checking my pack at the end found I got a dagger, club and bow. Not sure if it just certain weapons that drop or if have chance to get a special of any available weapon. Have a spellbook in my pack but my archer may have been carrying it already as it is just lmc and lrc (think he carried it for the rat champ spawn if he got morphed)..

I got reminded of other things i forgot like stocking up and repairs.. just as well the ammo and durability lasted till i needed to head out so it was good timing..

Now just got to read up on the spider quest.. if all that get is a spider deed will only do it if it goes pretty quick.. (not much for deco)

Hopefully see ya'll soon..

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:31 am
by Lord Drakelord
Overall I am liking this event, the battles with the invasion forces has been fun when they are around.

So far I have one each weapon the human forces would drop in your pack when they die and some really neat looking armor for my vendors to wear, I like the red color armor, the color is neat. I have gotten several spell books from the officers as well.

As for the Lich part, I been lucky and also help a few folks with spell books and a tally. We found that three greaters dragons on the lich is far better then archers running around the grave yard.

Been able to help a few folks get the smaller webs with the GM beggar we have, and after running the spider quest four times we have three of the large spider webs and the PAS museum has one on display alone with two GM beggar's ones and two of the bat statues.

The Magancia thread quests has been fun, and if you need help with the thought and life threads let us know as our neco can help. We also have extra rubble trees from this and if you like one or a boulder let us know.

Duplicates of thread rewards

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:48 pm
by Maldar
As the title says, I have duplicates of all of the thread rewards, with the exception of the tapestry/painting (whatever it was.) I have a LOT of dupes of some of the stuff. The only thing I don't have (and couldn't manage to get, even using all three of my accounts) is the little tree. If anyone needs any of the other things, tho, I have plenty to go around. Free, of course.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:47 pm
by Ciara
I just got back from an extended trip. I would be glad to take you up on your offer , Maldar, as I haven't seen any of these things.

Thank you!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:58 pm
by Brianna
welcome home ciara i hope everything is okay or at least trying to get there my thoughts are with you and i missed you