I'm not the best at saying good-bye

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I'm not the best at saying good-bye

Postby Taylanna » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:43 pm

There comes a time in a gamers life where they have to choose the game or real life... and the time for me has sadly come.

I don't really want to say 'goodbye' in a sense because I'm not really leaving... I will not be able to play Ultima Online with anyone for much longer. Once the new year comes Judas (my father) is going to cancel the accounts we play on.

As for saying 'goodbye' I won't. I plan on popping into vent like anyone does and see what everyone is up to, I hope to still keep in contact with everyone. Although I won't be playing, i hope to still converse with everyone and keep the good family together.

PAS is a great place for a person to learn the real meaning of a family. Everyone in the guild (who are still in it or who have left) have helped me through out my seven (wow... that's a long time to think about) years of playing. I want to thank everyone for just being a friend to me and letting me come to hunts with you if you didn't know me well, or just giving me a event item i haven't gotten yet, or even letting me come to an IDOC and see what we get. I cherish every moment I've spent with pas.

I'm moving to a freeshard, a couple of old friends I used to play with in my early years (Old Knights of Britannia guild, if anyone remembers them) got Judas and I to come over and play for awhile, we really enjoy it, and playing Ultima for free would benefit us because we don't play a lot rather then paying for accounts we rarely play on. The only thing I am really going to miss about the whole moving to a new "sever" is the family I made, the friends and memories I have created and the enemies I will never forget :]

If anyone who is friended to the PAC house, I would love to donate all of my resource items and such. And if I ever borrowed an item (for example Brianna's nets) I will gladly return them to you before we shut the accounts down.

For my last PAS Elder post I will close it with my favorite memory :]
"Red is always innocent"

and Kd's favorite "No Red's allowed..."

Thank you and safe journeys to everyone :skel
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Postby Ariel Joy » Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:13 pm

We will miss you very much. I hope you will pop into vent and say "Hello" to us when you can. You are one of the nicest "reds" PAS has ever had. Gook Luck in rl and your new game.
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Postby KDSonoma » Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:38 am

*hugs Red*

I have always loved having you in PAS, Red, and that never ends. I hope u have a blast in life and in other online games, and I hope u show up in vent from time to time.

You brighten up the whole place when you come on, and I always smile when I hear your voice in vent.

You have always been one of my favorite "PAS kids", and I use you as an example when I brag to other guildmasters that have age limits for their guild. They miss out on so much by being restrictive, and I'm just glad u have been a part of what makes PAS such an awesome guild.

Thanks for proving that our "Red=dead" motto doesnt apply to every Red.


Keep having fun in RL and enjoy not being old like Tiger and me *smiles*.

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Postby Taylanna » Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:12 am

Awwah Thanks KD!
I'll still be in vent from time-to-time I promise that! I can't leave you guys for good!!!
Also my boyfriend is going to keep his account on for me and let me play his characters so I can stay attached to Ultima and you guys!
We were talking last night about all the memories i had in this game,
and he was scared i was going to loose a huge family, so he's letting me "take over" his account.
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Postby KDSonoma » Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:51 pm

hehe he sounds like a decent fella then :)

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Postby wild flower » Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:00 pm

Wow I was getting scared that I wouldn't get to talk with you again or go on hunts. I'm really glad that you get to play still and I'm very glad that your going to pop into vent from time to time (even tho I don't get to). I sure would miss ya kiddo.

Stay sweet and hope to see ya's laters.
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Postby Brianna » Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:48 pm

okay a couple of rules for taking a break and going to the free shard

have fun
think of us often
tell me what shard it is
be willing to come play on our free shard
and don't move irl unless you give me the address

love you and will miss you being here daily but definitely understand the whole moving to real life at some point or another

love bri
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